Swedish mine diving – What’s the deal?
by Sara Banderby - 3rd April 2023
What comes to mind when you think of Sweden? Alexander Skarsgård? Zlatan Ibrahimovic? Or Ingmar Bergman and Alfred Nobel? But did…

Dive into the Center of the Earth
by Ivana and Janez - 19th May 2020
I believe that Jules Verne would not be angry that I borrowed part of his title to begin the story…

Day 8 – The last walk under the ice
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 21st February 2017
This morning we woke up with a smile in our faces since we knew it would be a fantastic day,…

Day 7 – rEvo Rebreather and recreational dive equipment under the Ice
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 20th February 2017
All team members are getting used to the schedule: 7:30am meeting and packing up the equipment – 8:00am breakfast – 8:30am loading the…