Mares Dive Torch Maintenance

by   Profile Mares   When 17th August 2023

Keep your Mares torch in great shape with our torch maintenance tips!

· Rinse with freshwater: After each dive, rinse your dive torch thoroughly with freshwater to remove saltwater, sand, and any other debris. Pay attention to the switch and battery compartment to ensure they are clean and free of contaminants.

· Dry thoroughly: Allow your dive torch to air-dry completely before storing it. Remove the batteries and ensure that the interior and battery compartment are dry. This prevents the growth of mould or corrosion, especially if you won't be using the torch for an extended period.

· Store in a cool, dry place: Store your dive torch in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and excessive heat. Avoid storing it in a damp environment to prevent damage to the internal components and battery.

· Lubricate O-rings: Check the O-rings regularly for signs of wear or damage. Apply silicone grease to O-rings to keep them in good condition. This helps maintain the torch's waterproof integrity and prevents leaks.

· Battery care: If your dive torch uses rechargeable batteries, charge them fully before storing it. If you won't be using the torch for a while, consider removing the batteries to prevent any potential leakage or corrosion.

· Avoid impact: Handle your dive torch with care, and avoid dropping it or subjecting it to rough handling. Impact can damage the internal components and affect the torch's performance and waterproof seals.

· Check for water resistance: Perform water resistance checks periodically by submerging the torch in a basin of water to verify that there are no leaks or issues with the waterproof seals. If any problems are detected, have the torch serviced by a qualified technician.

· Avoid direct sunlight: Avoid leaving your dive torch exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods, as it can cause fading or damage to the materials and components.

See our range of torches on

Written by
Profile Mares
When 17th August 2023
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