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Mares Algérie soutiens un film sur les requins

by Emir - 14th July 2019
Bonne nouvelle pour les fans du duo Emir Berkane et Hamza Mendil! En effet, le militant écolo et le réalisateur…

Préserver la biodiversité marine

by Emir - 10th August 2020
Le Dr Emir Berkane, Président de la Fondation Probiom pour la Protection de la Biodiversité Marine et Ambassadeur de Mares…

Algerian ecologists help with the implementation of a law for artificial reefs

by Emir - 24th February 2018
After three years of fierce activism, thanks to the mobilization of Algerian associations, and following the shooting of the film…

Mares Ambassador in Documentary Film

by Emir - 24th August 2017
Mares Ambassador Emir Berkane appears in the first documentary film shot in Algeria! 'The Houses of the Sea' is from…