Travel to a Different World
by Alex - 11th January 2024
November 2023 saw me heading off on a real adventure, destined for one of the most amazing countries to visit…

How Cara Lost Her Color
by Ivana and Janez - 10th December 2020
Ivana OK: What are you by profession? I’m a marine naturalist. In a complete leap of faith, I moved to…

Fuel from seaweed
by Herbert - 25th October 2017
Researchers developing breeding programmes for seaweed In the future, our homes and vehicles could be fuelled by seaweed cultivated in…

Turtle herpes outbreak may be due to pollution
by Herbert - 11th July 2016
Disease causes growths that obstruct turtle's vision Green sea turtles, which are currently endangered, are facing another threat – a…

Antibiotic-laden farmed salmon taken off shelves
by Mares - 30th November 2015
Consuming salmon –choosing between antibiotics and genetic engineering When it comes to farmed salmon, the news coming out of the…

Global overfishing accelerated by economic development
by Mares - 16th September 2015
Study calculates development of fish stocks In the long term, the wild fish population cannot be sustained by increasing aquaculture…