The Covid-19 pandemic means we are currently living in challenging times, including the challenges faced daily by our medical services. With this in mind, the team at Mares, together with Novamacut in Bologna and Mira Meccanica, explored the idea of patients being ventilated in emergencies using an adapted full-face snorkelling mask.
Sergio Angelini and Valerio Palmieri of Mares began studying a way of using these masks in therapy to treat those affected by Covid-19. Following further development of the idea, a dedicated team have been working to transform the Sea Vu Dry + mask in to a mask which can be used with CPAP ventilators with the help of 3D printing (thanks to Nuovamacut for the free printing as well as Dr Renato Favero, ex-Head Physician of Gardone Valtrompia hospital in Brescia and Isinnova who sparked the idea) and with some additional modifications to the original mask itself.
So far, masks have been provided to hospitals in Genoa, Parma, La Spezia, Lavagna and Savona in Italy, with plans to reach more soon.
Please find more information below, we will update this page with further news as it follows...
Repubblica - Coronavirus, tre aziende fanno squadra: a Parma le maschere-respiratori
Repubblica - Dalla F1 agli elementi salvavita: il cavallino Ferrari sulle maschere di protezione dal Covid-19
Il Secolo - La Mares riparte per combattere il coronavirus: «Così trasformiamo le nostre maschere»
Caserta News - Le maschere da snorkeling diventano 'respiratori' grazie alle valvole create con la stampante 3D | VIDEO
TGR Regional News - 02/04/20
TGCOM24 - Coronavirus, anche dalle aziende di attrezzature subacquee maschere per la rianimazione
Unterwasser - Mares hilft mit Schnorchelmasken gegen Corona
DiveSSI blog - Mares full-face snorkel masks SEA VU DRY + become CPAP respirators
GiornaleNews - Da Rapallo a Maddaloni: Grazie a Kromlaboro arrivano le maschere da sub modificate. I fratelli Turco: "Una donazione per il nostro ospedale"
La Gazzetta dello Sport - L'eccellenza italiana dietro al progetto Ferrari
The mask is also being developed for use as a personal protection, with the paramedics of Santa Margherita Ligure being among the first to test this model and give us feedback whilst awaiting certification.
Levante News - ‘Santa’: maschere full face, la Cri ringrazia la Mares
Thanks to the dedication and teamwork of everyone involved, and to the staff who are working daily to get these masks made, as well as Bartolini shipping who are picking up parts from all over Italy and getting them to us.
To the worldwide Mares Team - stay safe and healthy.
If you work in the medical field or in a hospital and would like more information, please contact Sergio Angelini at
Written by
2nd April 2020