

Nik Linder - Apnea record diver, writer, SSI Instructor Trainer based in south Germany but active around the globe.

Apnea Under Ice – The Ultimate Challenge

by Nik - 29th February 2024
Diving under ice is a huge challenge both for the diver and their equipment. This is the third time I have organized…

The new Mares X-Wing C-S and X-Wing C-Evo carbon fins – A review

by Nik - 1st September 2023
I was very curious about the new X-Wing Carbon fins and chose the longer X-Wing C-Evo fins because of my…

Umrundung des Bodensees

by Nik - 26th October 2022
Es schien eine gute Idee zu sein, den Bodensee schwimmend zu umrunden. Bislang hat das niemand gemacht und da ich…

Freediving Under Ice

by Nik - 31st March 2022
Freediving under ice can be very demanding, but at the same time it is the perfect challenge in order to…

Freediving with Orcas in Norway

by Nik - 10th November 2021
If anyone had asked me some years ago which tour I would be most interested in doing, I would have…

Tipps für Apnoetauchen im Kaltwasser

by Nik - 8th February 2021
Da es auch in der nahen Zukunft keine Aussicht darauf gibt, dass wir aufgrund der Corona Pandemie wieder reisen können,…

Freediving in cold waters

by Nik - 8th February 2021
Due to covid, the opportunities to travel have been limited, and there is no hope of this changing much in…

Schutz der Loggerhead Schildkröten

by Nik - 5th October 2020
Thomas Kromer war im normalen Leben IT Project und Produktmanager. Seine Faszination für die Unterwasserwelt führte ihn vor zwei Jahren…

Neues Atembuch

by Nik - 24th September 2020
Obwohl die Corona Zeit für uns als Familie die Zeit mit Corona mit Hinblick auf finanzielle Einbußen, Homeschooling und vieles…

Mircoadventures in Freediving

by Nik - 3rd July 2020
When I was young I spent time with my friends climbing on rocks, trees, exploring the neighborhood and catching and…

Upside Down World Record

by Nik - 8th May 2020
I already broke a world record some years ago for 'the longest breath hold upside down' in the Italian version of the…

Freediving Sudan

by Nik - 17th March 2020
Recently I visited Sudan for the first time to go freediving. Although I have been to the Red Sea countless…

Freediving under the Ice

by Nik - 5th March 2020
I remember the first time I was under the ice of a lake. It was in 2008, in the Swiss…

Breath hold: Relaqua the idea of relaxation in the water

by Nik - 5th February 2020
There are people who dive hundreds of feet, deep and over ten minutes with just one breath. Nik Linder is…

Orca Freediving Academy

by Nik - 1st March 2019
ORCA Freediving Academy - Das Mares Test Center DIE KOOPERATION DER ORCA-DIVECLUBS, MARES UND NIK LINDER Die ORCA Diveclubs sind…