Freediving in the Mediterranean islands

by   Profile Gianluca   When 24th July 2017

In Italy there are many small islands where practicing freediving is particularly pleasant.

The islands near Sicily, the Aeolian Islands, the Aegadian Islands and Ustica, the Tuscan archipelago with Elba, Giglio, Giannutri, the splendid Tremiti Islands in the Adriatic Sea; these are all perfect places for freediving.

The small islands are not always easy to reach, often they are not very well served by ferries, sometimes when the sea is particularly rough there is also the risk of remaining isolated, but all this creates a certain intrigue, one to which the freediver is particularly sensitive.

These islands generally offer clear waters with great visibility which is sometimes breathtaking. I still remember some years ago during training in Ustica when, from the surface, I could see the shimmering sand more than 50m deep.

Another advantage of the islands is that freediving practice is almost always possible as one side is always sheltered from winds, even if sometimes you may not find excessive depths.

Even if sometimes these places are difficult to reach, it’s always worth going when there is the possibility of visiting a small, quiet island to practice our discipline.

Ask me if you need would like any more information!

Happy Diving!


To find out more about Gianluca see his biography here and follow him on Facebook and Instagram.

Written by
Profile Gianluca
When 24th July 2017
Location Mar Mediterraneo

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R.h.Houston on Feb 12th 2025
Looking forward to Mediterranean travel & diving / snorkel diving

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Also by Gianluca