WWF calls for stricter import controls to combat illegal fishing
by Mares - 16th December 2015
The amount of fishing that actually takes place is actually being under-reported; so much so that about a fifth of…

Palau Makes Fiery Stand Against Illegal Fishing
by Mares - 15th July 2015
NO to illegal fishery! In June 2015, the idyllic island paradise of Palau issued a strong statement against illegal fishing.…

Life on the Cambodian edge – Koh Ach Seh, Cambodia
by Andi - 30th April 2024
Following a grueling four-hour drive from Phnom Penh, we arrived in Kep, Cambodia. Though exhausted after our journey from Hanoi,…

Tubbataha Dreams
by Alex - 4th August 2023
When I think of diving in the Philippines, I tend to think of amazing reef critters: frogfish, nudibranchs, ghost pipefish…

Canada: Bursting with Life
by Alex - 16th December 2022
For my final blog post on my visit to Canada, I want to turn my attention fully to the attraction…

Irrawaddy dolphins “functionally extinct” in Laos
by Mares - 1st November 2016
No hope left for the remaining dolphinsThe Irrawaddy dolphin has lost the battle for survival in Laos. The WWF declared…

Offspring for rare Mekong dolphins in Cambodia
by Herbert - 7th July 2016
New hope for Mekong River's dolphinsNewly born calf spotted with mother: Break out the cigars and champagne: A young dolphin…

Baja California Sur Safari – 2023 season
by Franco and Sabrina - 28th November 2023
It’s easy to understand why we return to Mexico's Baja California Sur almost every year. The five destinations we visit…

The largest animals ever to have lived on Earth!
by Franco and Sabrina - 17th December 2020
The southern coast of Sri Lanka may turn out to be one of the best international hotspots for seeing blue…

Dan’s Dive Destinations: Beqa Lagoon (Fiji)
by Dan - 12th October 2020
With a population of around 900,000, the stunning tropical islands of Fiji (all 332 of them) are home to the most…

115 previously unknown species discovered in the Mekong
by Herbert - 8th January 2018
Something new in the East! A crocodile lizard, a snail-eating turtle, and a bat that looks like a character from…

Bluefin tuna return to North Sea
by Herbert - 2nd October 2017
Researchers tag fish with satellite trackers After an absence of more than 50 years, the endangered bluefin tuna has returned…

Three fishermen on trial for killing dolphins for shark bait
by Mares - 18th August 2016
Evidence against them obtained in secret Three Peruvian fishermen were tried in court on August 16th for killing dolphins and…

New Sea Shepherd campaign launched
by Mares - 21st March 2016
Sea Shepherd has launched a campaign called Operation Driftnet focusing on the illegal and destructive method of driftnet fishing in…

Shark Rescue movie seeks funds to stay afloat
by Mares - 21st October 2015
“If sharks die, life on earth will also perish.” An Austrian team led by freediver Christian Redl and musician/diver Wolfgang…