Blue Shark Tagging in the Azores
by Fred Buyle - 30th August 2017
Every year since 2005 I have been helping marine biologists do their fieldwork using my freediving skills. During the summer,…

Great White Shark Tagging
by Marcel - 5th July 2016
Finning, bycatch in commercial fishing, over fishing, sport fishing, contamination, pollution and targeted killing let the shark populations rapidly sink…

Discovery Channel’s Shark Week finally features females
by Hannah - 21st July 2017
No doubt about it, Discovery Channel’s Shark Week gets a lot of attention with more than 2.5 million viewers in…

Hanifaru Bay: In a flying vortex
by Franco and Sabrina - 10th October 2023
Are you looking to be enveloped in a flying vortex of Mantas? Get ready, it doesn't happen often. Have you ever…

The massive and solitary Sphyrna Mokarran
by Franco and Sabrina - 4th April 2017
A few weeks ago I was leading a micro-group of passionate divers and UW photographers to Bimini Island, a lovely sandy…