Time to mask up!
by Dan - 25th November 2021
Its time to mask up! No, not 'those' masks, I think we have heard enough about those lately...I'm talking about…

Why you should dive in a dry suit
by Dan - 15th November 2021
Diving in a dry suit Diving in a dry suit can be an intimidating prospect. Being dry underwater? That sounds…

Dan’s Dive Destinations: Marlborough Sounds (NZ)
by Dan - 4th August 2020
Located at the north eastern point of the South Island and making up 150km or ⅕ of New Zealand's coastline,…

Corals are the perfect models
by Ivana and Janez - 4th October 2018
Looking at wonderful, colourful, tropical coral reefs, many people believe that the organisms responsible for these structures are plant based.…

Tasmania – Seadragon World
by Gerald - 28th June 2017
Kelp forests Not many divers from Europe know this part of the world. The flight from Europe passes over a…

Day 9 and 10 – Heavy to handle
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 23rd February 2017
The day started the same as usual, but just up to the point where we loaded up our 4x4’s, because the…

Day 8 – The last walk under the ice
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 21st February 2017
This morning we woke up with a smile in our faces since we knew it would be a fantastic day,…

Day 7 – rEvo Rebreather and recreational dive equipment under the Ice
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 20th February 2017
All team members are getting used to the schedule: 7:30am meeting and packing up the equipment – 8:00am breakfast – 8:30am loading the…

Day 6 – Earthquake underwater?
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 19th February 2017
Do you remember? Yesterday’s dive spot was great. So nice that we decided to go to the north tip of Olkohn, Kohboy,…

Day 5 – Cracked ice and some troubles at Khoboy
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 18th February 2017
Today we headed north to the sharp tip of the Island of Olkhon. While the thermometer was showing a milder temperature…

Day 2 – First steps on the ice
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 15th February 2017
After being in a safe harbor with a comfy bed and a great intercontinental breakfast still in Irkutsk, we headed…

The MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team is ready to set off…
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 12th February 2017
Time flies... We all met just 3 weeks ago during BOOT Show to coordinate the final details for our Lake…

Our first project – Extreme cold is the name of the game!
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 11th January 2017
What works best if you want to see how your products perform when being used? EXTREME CONDITIONS! Mares has spent…

Baikal Lake, the blue pearl of Siberia
by Franco and Sabrina - 4th January 2017
Last summer I went to the Baikal Lake in Russia and lead a group of passionate cold-water divers and amateur…