Hi everyone and welcome to my new blog post. In my last blog I wrote about my work in Soma Bay, check it out here if you haven’t read it yet!
This time I'm going to look at 10 reasons to become a diver. I would like to know your reasons too, please leave a comment below!
You see the world - Diving is international. There are so many places in the world where you can go diving!
The feeling of flying in the sea - It's difficult to describe but I will try. You hover in the water, you feel light, you feel yourself and you can control your depth with your breathing, it's just an amazing feeling!
There are always positive surprises - You never know what you will see. Today some small fish, tomorrow a turtle, and one day you may even be lucky enough to see some dolphins! Be patient, and then when you least expect it you will see the most.
Diving is for everyone - That is the beauty of diving. Even people with disabilities have the chance to dive. There are young and old divers, that’s why diving is also a perfect family activity.
It’s quiet and relaxing - We often joke about this point but yep, you can’t speak underwater.
Diving is peaceful - Imagine walking through a forest, just enjoying nature, then a deer crosses your path or you find some squirrels, that's what diving is like for me. Like a walk among nature.
Divers are friends of the marine environment - We learn to care about our reefs and all life underwater. We remove rubbish from the sea and help animals in emergencies.
You can make new friends - You meet so many people and often go diving with groups. Sometimes you search for a dive buddy and win a travel buddy!
These are some of the reasons why I became a diver, and there are 2 reasons left for you. Let’s finish the list together, let me know your reasons in the comments!
To continue your dive journey, check out the programs offered by our friends at SSI!
Written by
24th December 2018
Also by Semra