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Two-thirds of zooplankton at tropical coral reefs lost to ocean acidification

by Herbert - 24th September 2016
Ocean acidification can fundamentally change the structure of the reef Tropical coral reefs can lose up to two-thirds of their…

New Hope Spots spell new hope for the world’s oceans

by Herbert - 15th September 2016
Fourteen new oceanic Hope Spots were jointly announced last week by Mission Blue and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of…

Fishes find sanctuary

by Mares - 4th August 2016
Larger MPA established based on the movement of fishermen's favoured fish species Beneath the waves of Palikir Pass (or P-Pass)…

Mares welcomes blogger Ben Reymenants!

by Mares - 29th July 2016
Ben Reymenants was born in Belgium where he did his first dives in 1991. 25 years later he has dived…

Turtle herpes outbreak may be due to pollution

by Herbert - 11th July 2016
Disease causes growths that obstruct turtle's vision Green sea turtles, which are currently endangered, are facing another threat – a…

Climate change modifies ocean currents

by Mares - 1st July 2016
Asia to get warmer and stormier Global warming is causing a change in some ocean currents. Scientists have shown that…

Researchers discover that sponges are host to surprising diverse range of microbes

by Herbert - 17th June 2016
Discovery opens door to potential new discoveries in the futureSponges are important hosts for microbes, making up a significant part…

An interview with Katarina Linczenyiova, freediver

by Mares - 10th June 2016
A rising star Katarina Linczenyiova is a rising star in the world of freediving, although she is relatively unknown in…

Coral bleaching makes fish easy prey

by Mares - 17th May 2016
The current spate of coral bleaching in Australian waters is preventing baby common damselfish from learning how to identify which…

Baby sharks defy ocean acidification

by Mares - 15th April 2016
Some baby sharks are able to cope with the level of ocean acidification predicted for the end of this century,…

Severe coral bleaching hits Great Barrier Reef

by Mares - 30th March 2016
Some recent surveys have shown how the rising temperature of the seawater has led to severe coral bleaching at Australia's…

Ocean acidification slows down coral reef growth

by Mares - 17th March 2016
By manipulating the seawater chemistry of a reef to study how excess carbon dioxide caused by human activity affects coral…

Love in the moonlight: The bumphead parrotfish mass aggregation at Palau’s Rock Islands

by Mares - 15th January 2016
The green humphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) is one of the diver's favourite fishes. A school of more than 50 of…

Fatal Accident Uncovers Cruise Operators Secret Past

by Mares - 10th July 2015
“Drug Dealer Fakes Death, Falls In Love And Starts New Life Afresh!” Sounds like the basis for a television series?…