Coral Bleaching: Reefs suffer equally from El Niño and La Niña
by Herbert - 8th November 2017
Researchers study effects of coral bleaching on Western Australia's reefs Researchers from the University of Western Australia (UWA), the ARC…

Researchers gather at Great Barrier Reef to study latest coral bleaching
by Mares - 21st March 2017
Aerial and underwater surveys to be conducted As coral bleaching strikes the Great Barrier Reef for the second year in…

Great Barrier Reef continues to be under threat from coral bleaching
by Mares - 4th November 2016
Scientists publish interactive map Scientists from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University are…

Coral bleaching continues to plague Australia’s Great Barrier Reef
by Mares - 8th June 2016
As much as 35 percent of the reef has died After intensive aerial and underwater surveys, about 35 percent of…

Coral bleaching makes fish easy prey
by Mares - 17th May 2016
The current spate of coral bleaching in Australian waters is preventing baby common damselfish from learning how to identify which…

Coral reefs can condition themselves against coral bleaching
by Mares - 19th April 2016
The Great Barrier Reef is currently experiencing coral bleaching on an unprecedented scale, and scientists have voiced much concern about…

Severe coral bleaching hits Great Barrier Reef
by Mares - 30th March 2016
Some recent surveys have shown how the rising temperature of the seawater has led to severe coral bleaching at Australia's…

Planting Corals
by Ivana and Janez - 1st September 2022
The importance of corals and coral reefs for life on our planet is well-known, that's why it's not surprising that the…

Coral Spawning and Hope in the Maldives
by Alex - 22nd November 2021
I normally plan my travel meticulously, paying special attention to the season and the lunar tidal cycle. I find this…

Corals are the perfect models
by Ivana and Janez - 4th October 2018
Looking at wonderful, colourful, tropical coral reefs, many people believe that the organisms responsible for these structures are plant based.…

Sea Something, Say Something: Coral Reef Citizen Science
by Hannah - 11th December 2017
We have had a hectic hurricane season here in the Florida and Caribbean region, which can have a big effect…

Future opportunities for coral reefs
by Herbert - 8th June 2017
In spite of global warming, reefs could change but remain the same Although the world’s coral reefs are under threat,…

Corals create structures to promote reef recovery
by Herbert - 31st May 2017
Complex underwater structures catch coral larvae Scientists have discovered that coral larvae are dependent on their parents. By creating nooks…

Coral restoration in Bonaire
by Herbert - 13th January 2017
Engaging the diver to protect and restore reefs For several years, scientists have observed more and more instances of coral…

Different coral communities differ in their ability to adapt to new environments
by Mares - 17th November 2016
For the first time, scientists at The University of Texas at Austin have observed separate populations of corals diverging in…

Environmental factors, not just climate change, can also affect isotopic composition of corals
by Mares - 28th September 2016
Important details found in calcium carbonate skeletons of corals The calcium carbonate skeletons of corals retain important details about their…

Coral reefs in dire threat
by Mares - 12th October 2015
The third global spate of coral bleaching currently taking place may affect almost 38 percent of all the coral reefs…

Resort In Maldives Gives Damaged Corals A New Home
by Mares - 24th August 2015
Coral reefs are among the oldest ecosystems in the world. Similar to tropical rainforests, they are the most biologically diverse…

7 easy ways to be an eco-friendly diver
by Kathryn - 6th June 2022
Whether you are diving close to home or venturing overseas, there are many easy ways you can become a more…

Dan’s Dive Destinations: Shark Diving
by Dan - 31st December 2020
Diving with sharks in Fiji In my opinion, every single person should experience a shark dive just once. It can…

How Cara Lost Her Color
by Ivana and Janez - 10th December 2020
Ivana OK: What are you by profession? I’m a marine naturalist. In a complete leap of faith, I moved to…

World Heritage Sites: Climate change threatens the most beautiful places on earth
by Herbert - 16th November 2017
Number of World Heritage sites affected by climate change almost doubles in three years According to a report published by…

Pretty birds from the Red Sea
by Ivana and Janez - 12th September 2024
I love all the different species of wrasse, and I thought I knew them well, but this one was a…

The bearded fireworm
by Ivana and Janez - 25th October 2021
Bearded fireworm, Hermodice carunculata (Pallas, 1766) The bearded fireworm is a marine bristle worm that lives throughout the tropical coastal waters of…

Survey needs divers to speak up for value of Florida’s reefs
by Hannah - 28th April 2017
Beautiful coral reefs are priceless to divers and snorkelers. The intrinsic value of dipping below the waves, leaving the stress…