Underwater Archaeological Exploration
by BGfU - 10th July 2017
The underwater archaeological exploration of a late roman shipwreck on the coast of the Istrian peninsula as part of a…

Gulf of Thailand: The Burma Maru Expedition
by Herbert - 6th April 2017
Wreck Discovery in the Gulf of Thailand There was little to forewarn the fate that would strike the lone cargo…

The massive and solitary Sphyrna Mokarran
by Franco and Sabrina - 4th April 2017
A few weeks ago I was leading a micro-group of passionate divers and UW photographers to Bimini Island, a lovely sandy…

Post-trip review 2 – Dive wear
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 31st March 2017
On our expedition to Lake Baikal, the XR Kevlar Dry Suit was indispensable, and ours went through at least 10…

Post-trip review 1 – Regulators
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 22nd March 2017
The Mares / SSI /rEvo Dive Expedition Team have had a few weeks to relax and now we’re back on the…

Coral reefs enchant when one dives in fluorescence
by Mares - 10th February 2017
Adventures in fluo-diving in Abu Dabab No, it wasn't the Pink Panther, but a pink flathead that was the highlight…

When changes regenerate you
by Yme - 17th January 2017
It’s the first day of the year and I’m sitting in front of my computer summarizing 2016. There have been some incredible experiences and I…

MT Haven (ex Amoco Milford Haven) – Ligurian Wrecks (Part II)
by Florent M. Locatelli - 12th January 2017
MT Haven, formerly Amoco Milford Haven, is a VLCC-class oil-tanker (Very Large Crude Carrier), in other words a super-tanker, built…

Baikal Lake, the blue pearl of Siberia
by Franco and Sabrina - 4th January 2017
Last summer I went to the Baikal Lake in Russia and lead a group of passionate cold-water divers and amateur…

New underwater observatory to monitor zooplankton
by Herbert - 10th December 2016
Scientists from the Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) and Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG) have placed an optical-acoustic…

What happened on the 12th of September 1944 between the Italian and Balkan battlefronts?
by Franco and Sabrina - 2nd December 2016
A few weeks ago I reached a special expedition of professional divers and technicians with the aim of photographing and…

Unterseeboot U455 – Ligurian Wrecks (Part I)
by Florent M. Locatelli - 4th November 2016
Early in the morning, the 300 horsepower engine of the 8m superfast inflatable boat flies us over a mirror-like sea…

Blue Holes – the freediver’s paradise
by Gianluca - 25th October 2016
Blue holes are chasms which fall into deep abysses, some of which are very close to the coast, and they…

Announcement: Check out Mares’ brand new website!
by Mares - 14th October 2016
Following the creation of our blog, we are excited to announce the creation of Mares’ new website! Take a look…

Another successful Manta Fest at Yap
by Herbert - 11th October 2016
Participants get photographic tips from experts at photographic scuba shoot-out The 9th Annual Manta Fest Photo Festival was held at…

One hundred years after WWI ships’ sinking in port of Kea
by Herbert - 1st October 2016
Memorial service and conference commemorates 100th Anniversary The municipality of Kea and the Friends of Kea Society organised an international conference…

The birth of the XR line
by Florent M. Locatelli - 13th September 2016
In 1949, Ludovico Mares designed and manufactured his first masks and spearguns with one dream and purpose in mind: to…

To rEvo or not to rEvo, that is the question…..
by Cat - 12th August 2016
…..and in all honesty a question I really did not know the answer to! If the scuba diving grapevine…

Mares welcomes blogger Ben Reymenants!
by Mares - 29th July 2016
Ben Reymenants was born in Belgium where he did his first dives in 1991. 25 years later he has dived…

XR expert Florent M. Locatelli on board with the Mares blog!
by Mares - 13th July 2016
Florent M. Locatelli joined Mares & SSI in 2014; he is the “daddy” of the new MARES│XR line and now…

Introducing Delos! A world cruising sailboat! (Part 1)
by SV Delos - 11th July 2016
Here I am. 50 Meters underwater. In a dark black hallway. Swimming my way towards “The Lady”. I’m following the bright…

My life as a scuba instructor
by Yme - 10th July 2016
I have just taken off my triathlon suite after a 1hr 20min swimming session in the crystal clear waters of…

Unique Mares Photog Party, Micronesia
by b_rad - 8th July 2016
MantaFest is an annual international photography festival held in Yap at Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers that is known for being…

Great White Shark Tagging
by Marcel - 5th July 2016
Finning, bycatch in commercial fishing, over fishing, sport fishing, contamination, pollution and targeted killing let the shark populations rapidly sink…

An interview with Katarina Linczenyiova, freediver
by Mares - 10th June 2016
A rising star Katarina Linczenyiova is a rising star in the world of freediving, although she is relatively unknown in…

The not so silent world
by Mares - 27th May 2016
There is no doubt Jacques would be jealous. Sure, he had pristine reefs and healthier fish populations but the guy…

How to scuba dive – without getting wet!
by Mares - 23rd May 2016
Diving allows us to observe the vast diversity of marine life in our oceans, and gives us the privilege of…

Monofin Weekend at monte mare in Rheinbach
by Mares - 19th September 2015
World champion Nik Linder presents SSI monofin programme On 24-25 October 2015, freedive world champion Nik Linder will be at…

Bodensee (Lake Constance) flatter than expected
by Mares - 14th September 2015
3-D model of lake yields some surprises Since 2013, researchers have been involved in “Projekt Tiefenschärfe (Focus – A high-definition…