Life on the Cambodian edge – Koh Ach Seh, Cambodia
by Andi - 30th April 2024
Following a grueling four-hour drive from Phnom Penh, we arrived in Kep, Cambodia. Though exhausted after our journey from Hanoi,…

Shifting Baselines – Hong Kong, Sar
by Andi - 18th April 2024
The research team had warned us upfront about the perilous diving experience ahead. One not marked by surreal encounters with…

Our Encounter with the Ocean Tigers – Fiji
by Andi - 21st March 2024
As we descended into the dark and murky waters off the Fijian coast, the weight of anticipation settled in. Immediately…

A unique diving experience in Tuscany
by Florent M. Locatelli - 15th January 2020
Tuscany, in central Italy, is definitely one of my favorite regions. Breathtaking landscapes, thousands of years of history, an artistic…

Mares Algeria supports film about shark conservation
by Emir - 14th July 2019
Good news for fans of the duo Emir Berkane and Hamza Mendil. The green activist and the director are set…

UJ-2208 – German navy submarine chaser – Ligurian Wrecks (Part III)
by Florent M. Locatelli - 19th September 2018
UJ-2208 (ex-Alfred) - German Navy (Kriegsmarine) submarine chaser (ex-patrol boat) (ex-trawler). Built in 1926 by the Ateliers et Chantiers de…

The making of…an XR product !
by Florent M. Locatelli - 9th July 2018
The making of an XR product ! Brainstorm and define the project. Experience is key here. Identify exhaustively what exists…

Grotta Giusti – Journey to the Center of the Earth
by Florent M. Locatelli - 3rd April 2018
“Grotta Giusti can be found in the spa resort of Monsummano Terme, originally the 19th century country home of Tuscan…

Mexico: Divers discover the biggest underwater cave-system on the planet
by Herbert - 18th January 2018
Crystal clear water & 347 kilometers in length - history included Cave divers have discovered and explored a 216 miles…

Faster reproduction ensures immigrant species success
by Herbert - 19th November 2017
Why only a few introduced species establish themselves in foreign marine regions The number of non-native species detected for the…

World Heritage Sites: Climate change threatens the most beautiful places on earth
by Herbert - 16th November 2017
Number of World Heritage sites affected by climate change almost doubles in three years According to a report published by…

Bronze Palm at the World Festival of Underwater Images for Algerian documentary ‘The Houses of the Sea’
by Emir - 15th November 2017
The Algerian documentary film The Houses of the Sea by Hamza Mendil, won the Bronze Palm on Saturday night in…

Fuel from seaweed
by Herbert - 25th October 2017
Researchers developing breeding programmes for seaweed In the future, our homes and vehicles could be fuelled by seaweed cultivated in…

9th Rebreather Reunion Hemmoor Germany
by Herbert - 4th September 2017
Meeting took place on 25 to 27 August 2017 On August 25th to 27th, the ninth "Rebreather Reunion Hemmoor Germany"…

Mares Ambassador in Documentary Film
by Emir - 24th August 2017
Mares Ambassador Emir Berkane appears in the first documentary film shot in Algeria! 'The Houses of the Sea' is from…

Underwater robot “TRAMPER” to surface after a year in the Arctic deep sea
by Herbert - 22nd August 2017
Helmholtz Alliance ROBEX tested innovative technologies on expedition On Tuesday, August 22nd, the research vessel Polarstern will set off on…

3-D Underwater Imaging
by Herbert - 1st August 2017
New age imaging system brings 3-D perspective to underwater sites A revolutionary new multi-function, underwater imaging system has been developed…

Future opportunities for coral reefs
by Herbert - 8th June 2017
In spite of global warming, reefs could change but remain the same Although the world’s coral reefs are under threat,…

Post-trip review 2 – Dive wear
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 31st March 2017
On our expedition to Lake Baikal, the XR Kevlar Dry Suit was indispensable, and ours went through at least 10…

Day 7 – rEvo Rebreather and recreational dive equipment under the Ice
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 20th February 2017
All team members are getting used to the schedule: 7:30am meeting and packing up the equipment – 8:00am breakfast – 8:30am loading the…

MT Haven (ex Amoco Milford Haven) – Ligurian Wrecks (Part II)
by Florent M. Locatelli - 12th January 2017
MT Haven, formerly Amoco Milford Haven, is a VLCC-class oil-tanker (Very Large Crude Carrier), in other words a super-tanker, built…

Kelp along Southern California coastline resisted warmer temperatures
by Mares - 16th December 2016
In early 2014, when a large-scale heat wave in the Pacific Ocean produced temperature anomalies greater than anything seen since…

Free-diving legend Enzo Maiorca dies at age of 85
by Herbert - 15th November 2016
A great fighter, a fine spirit On 21 June 1931, he was brought into this world in Syracuse, Sicily. Today,…

Unterseeboot U455 – Ligurian Wrecks (Part I)
by Florent M. Locatelli - 4th November 2016
Early in the morning, the 300 horsepower engine of the 8m superfast inflatable boat flies us over a mirror-like sea…

Germany proposes protection for Weddell Sea
by Mares - 20th October 2016
The European Union has submitted a request for a marine protected area (MPA) to be established in the Weddell Sea.…

Black Sea mapping expedition uncovers more than 40 shipwrecks
by Herbert - 18th October 2016
Largest expedition of this kind in Black SeaAn international expedition mapping the submerged ancient landscapes at the Bulgarian coast of…

WDC partners with Walflüsterer (Whale whisperer) project to promote sustainable whale watching
by Mares - 21st September 2016
The “Walflüsterer” (Whale whisperer) project, which promotes sustainable whale-watching trips, has chosen the Whale and Dolphin Conservation’s (WDC) as partner…

New Hope Spots spell new hope for the world’s oceans
by Herbert - 15th September 2016
Fourteen new oceanic Hope Spots were jointly announced last week by Mission Blue and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of…

The birth of the XR line
by Florent M. Locatelli - 13th September 2016
In 1949, Ludovico Mares designed and manufactured his first masks and spearguns with one dream and purpose in mind: to…

IUCN Report: “We are making the world sick”
by Mares - 9th September 2016
Drastic changes within the marine environment Since the 1970s, the oceans have absorbed more than 93 percent of the enhanced…

White orca returns after absence of several years
by Mares - 7th September 2016
"Iceberg" the white orca has resurfaced in the Russian Far East. First sighted in early 2012, he captured worldwide media…

First DAN Academy of Dive Medicine in Columbia
by Mares - 28th August 2016
The first DAN Academy of Dive Medicine in Columbia was recently held at the Navy Base A.R.C. Bolivia in Cartagena…

Three fishermen on trial for killing dolphins for shark bait
by Mares - 18th August 2016
Evidence against them obtained in secret Three Peruvian fishermen were tried in court on August 16th for killing dolphins and…

To rEvo or not to rEvo, that is the question…..
by Cat - 12th August 2016
…..and in all honesty a question I really did not know the answer to! If the scuba diving grapevine…

Earth Overshoot Day : After 8 August 2016, humanity is in debt
by Mares - 9th August 2016
Demands on natural resources have exceeded available resources since yesterday This year, Earth Overshoot Day fell on 8 August 2016.…

Mares welcomes blogger Ben Reymenants!
by Mares - 29th July 2016
Ben Reymenants was born in Belgium where he did his first dives in 1991. 25 years later he has dived…

UK Inland Diving Locations Case Study – Stoney Cove
by Cat - 27th July 2016
The fact that the United Kingdom is an island, should mean that costal diving locations are plentiful and varied enough…

For all things ‘freediving’ check out Gianluca Genoni – on board with the Mares blog!
by Mares - 14th July 2016
Gianluca Genoni has been a Mares testimonial since 1996, has established 18 world records in numerous freediving specialties and is…

XR expert Florent M. Locatelli on board with the Mares blog!
by Mares - 13th July 2016
Florent M. Locatelli joined Mares & SSI in 2014; he is the “daddy” of the new MARES│XR line and now…

Announcement: MARES enters the world of rebreather diving!
by Mares - 8th July 2016
MARES is excited to announce that effective July 1st 2016 they have signed an agreement to acquire 100% of REVO…

Swim courses and dive training
by Herbert - 23rd June 2016
diving.DE, El Quseir, Egypt: On 12th to 18 June 2016, the training for Swim Teachers and Swim Teacher Trainers under…

Coral bleaching continues to plague Australia’s Great Barrier Reef
by Mares - 8th June 2016
As much as 35 percent of the reef has died After intensive aerial and underwater surveys, about 35 percent of…

Malaysia establishes its largest marine reserve
by Mares - 2nd June 2016
Park is home to 80,000 people and has more than 250 species of hard corals The Sabah State Government has…

New European satellite to monitor the oceans and environment
by Mares - 19th February 2016
Carrying four Earth-observation instruments on board, a satellite lifted off on Tuesday on its mission to bring us a more…

boot Düsseldorf launches video award
by Mares - 24th November 2015
Action-packed and exciting, or just romantic and beautiful: this is what they need to be – the video clips that…

Thirty percent of UNESCO natural World Heritage Sites at risk
by Mares - 6th October 2015
Almost one-third of all 229 UNESCO Natural World Heritage Sites worldwide are being threatened by mining activity and the extraction…

Survey of online flight portals
by Mares - 24th September 2015
Find out which portal offers the best deals Divers have been known to travel quite a bit to reach good…