Meet the Marvelous Brittle Stars: The Underwater Gymnasts of the Echinoderm Family!
by Ivana and Janez - 20th November 2024
Brittle stars belong to the class Ophiuroidea within the phylum Echinodermata, which also includes sea stars, sea urchins and sea…

The Atlas Adj 62X – Our new, all-metal, dependable regulator
by Mares - 23rd March 2022
Our customers asked, and we answered. After many requests for an all-metal version of the tried-and-true Abyss second stage regulator,…

Davide Lombroso ha vinto il 5° titolo italiano di fotosub!
by Mares - 16th October 2019
Continuano le esaltanti prestazioni dei fotografi subacquei del Team Mares. Davide Lombroso del CI CA SUB Seatram di Bogliasco –…

Davide Lombroso wins his 5th Italian Underwater Photography title!
by Mares - 16th October 2019
Incredible performances from the underwater photographers of Team Mares continue! Davide Lombroso of CI CA SUB Seatram in Bogliasco, Italy…

La tecnologia VAD di Mares
by Mares - 27th February 2019
Gli erogatori Mares sono caratterizzati dalla tecnologia VAD, Vortex Assisted Design. Questo rivoluzionario sistema di erogazione, brevettato, si basa sull’”…

Mares’ VAD Technology
by Mares - 27th February 2019
Mares regulators are characterized by VAD technology - Vortex Assisted Design. This patented, revolutionary air supply system is based on…

Een toegewijde vader
by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 22nd February 2019
De gewone zeedonderpad is een van de meest geliefde wintervissen in zeeland. Hij heeft een groot breed hoofd met verschillende…

De snotolf (Cyclopterus lumpus)
by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 30th January 2019
De snotolf (Cyclopterus lumpus), ook wel lompvis genoemd is een van de favoriete koudwater vissen van de meeste duikers. Ze…

Trumpetfish – The forgotten cousins of seahorses
by Ivana and Janez - 6th December 2018
There are only three species of trumpetfish in the world (discovered so far anyway): the Chinese trumpetfish (Aulostomus chinensis), the…

De Schildpadden van Playa Grandi
by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 19th November 2018
Playa Grandi (ook wel bekend als Playa Piskado) is een klein, maar erg populair strandje aan de westkust van Curaçao.…

The secret beauty of Nudibranchs
by Mares - 13th July 2017
Nudibranchs come in many different colours, shapes and sizes. According to various sources, there are between 2000 - 3000 different…

Mares Confirms Partnership With Diving Group Portofino
by Mares - 19th April 2017

Santorini: How explosive was the Aegean?
by Mares - 18th April 2017
German-Greek research team investigate Santorini's volcanic pastThe Santorini archipelago in the southern Aegean Sea is one of the best spots…

Hello MARES Community
by Morgan - 28th February 2017
Hello MARES community, My name is Morgan Bourc'his, and I am a professional freediver (competitor, instructor, lecturer and brand ambassador).…

Baikal Lake, the blue pearl of Siberia
by Franco and Sabrina - 4th January 2017
Last summer I went to the Baikal Lake in Russia and lead a group of passionate cold-water divers and amateur…

Artificial Blue Holes
by Gianluca - 28th October 2016
Until recently, deep freedive training during colder seasons in a swimming pool was impossible, but this is no longer the…

Blue Holes – the freediver’s paradise
by Gianluca - 25th October 2016
Blue holes are chasms which fall into deep abysses, some of which are very close to the coast, and they…

Luggage for Paradise
by Peter - 7th October 2016
The funny thing about paradise is, it is always somewhere far, but not where you are at the moment and…

XR expert Florent M. Locatelli on board with the Mares blog!
by Mares - 13th July 2016
Florent M. Locatelli joined Mares & SSI in 2014; he is the “daddy” of the new MARES│XR line and now…

Freediving training in lakes in Switzerland
by Gianluca - 24th June 2016
Freediving isn't just about diving in warm, clear waters full of sea life, but also about diving close to a rope,…

Researchers use new method to date lava flows
by Mares - 11th April 2016
To better understand the formation of the Earth's crust, scientists at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel have…

Can a deep-sea ecosystem recover from human intervention?
by Mares - 26th November 2015
What would the ecological consequences be if the quantity of polymetallic (e.g. manganese) nodules in the deep sea was reduced? Would…

Photo mosaic marks successful end to expedition
by Mares - 22nd September 2015
Scientists return to ploughed seafloor to assess condition of terrain Imagine gigantic unmanned crawler vehicles moving along pre-programmed paths on…