Virus reprograms ocean plankton
by Herbert - 24th August 2017
Infected plankton cells absorb more nutrients A virus that infects plankton can reprogram cells and thus alter the way the…

The living dinosaurs of the sea
by Mares - 4th August 2017
Out of the seven species of sea turtles, six have made it onto the International Union for Conservation of Nature's…

3-D Underwater Imaging
by Herbert - 1st August 2017
New age imaging system brings 3-D perspective to underwater sites A revolutionary new multi-function, underwater imaging system has been developed…

Freshwater sources in the sea
by Herbert - 20th July 2017
The invisible water resource In the scientific journal Earth Science Reviews, geologists Nils Moosdorf and Till Oehler from the Leibniz…

Glacial retreat accelerated by meltwater lakes under Antarctic Ice Sheet
by Herbert - 4th July 2017
During the last glacial period, the ice in the Antarctic was thicker and extended farther offshore than it does today.…

Changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration can cause temperature fluctuations
by Mares - 22nd June 2017
Scientists use climate models to investigate fluctuations During the last Ice Age, the influence of atmospheric carbon dioxide on the…

Taking the plunge underwater… and underground
by Herbert - 22nd May 2017
Diving into the flooded tunnels of Schieferbergwerk Nuttlar in Sauerland is not for the faint-hearted. After crossing the yellow container…

Santorini: How explosive was the Aegean?
by Mares - 18th April 2017
German-Greek research team investigate Santorini's volcanic pastThe Santorini archipelago in the southern Aegean Sea is one of the best spots…

Haliphron atlanticus: Deep-sea octopus feeds on jellyfish
by Herbert - 30th March 2017
Octopus then uses tentacles of jellyfish to defend itself The open ocean is the largest habitat on Earth. Within this…

Programming drones to map oil spills
by Herbert - 7th March 2017
Team drew inspiration from mathematical principlesA team from the University of Buffalo is looking into how drones can be programmed…

Studying the effects of coastal erosion in the Arctic
by Mares - 18th January 2017
The thawing and erosion of the arctic permafrost coasts has increased so drastically in the past that more than 20…

Baikal Lake, the blue pearl of Siberia
by Franco and Sabrina - 4th January 2017
Last summer I went to the Baikal Lake in Russia and lead a group of passionate cold-water divers and amateur…

New insights into the changes of the Nordic Seas during interglacials
by Mares - 5th December 2016
The characteristics of the water masses in the Nordic Seas are expected to change due to the Earth's higher temperatures…

Luggage for Paradise
by Peter - 7th October 2016
The funny thing about paradise is, it is always somewhere far, but not where you are at the moment and…

Larger-sized animals at higher risk of extinction
by Mares - 22nd September 2016
Serious consequences for the marine ecosystems Uncontrolled fishing practices have given rise to a new trend that places larger animals…

Seafloor of Red Sea formed at least 12 million years ago
by Herbert - 20th September 2016
Discovery overturns present understanding of region’s geological development Geoscientists find the Red Sea fascinating as it represents an ocean in…

Arctic sea ice at its second-lowest ever this September
by Mares - 16th September 2016
In September 2016, the surface of the Arctic sea ice shrank to nearly 4.1 million square kilometres – the second…

Freediving Philosophy
by Gianluca - 8th September 2016
Most people who have never experienced the emotion of freediving see this discipline as a test of bravery or a…

The Privilege of Diving
by Peter - 17th August 2016
The Privilege of Diving What was your first window to the ocean like? Through mine everything was black and white, it could…

Underwater station and shark observer submersible go on a road trip
by Mares - 17th August 2016
Marine artefacts on loan to Munster for a year Two large marine artefacts from the Stralsunder Nautineum are on their…

Whale sharks and hammerhead sharks go into the red
by Mares - 16th August 2016
IUCN Red List now names them as “Endangered” The July 2016 update to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of…

Exploring hydrothermal vents at Azores archipelago
by Mares - 23rd July 2016
Researchers investigate hydrothermal vents on research vessel's 30th anniversary cruise Welcome to the world of the hydrothermal vents, where organisms…

For all things ‘freediving’ check out Gianluca Genoni – on board with the Mares blog!
by Mares - 14th July 2016
Gianluca Genoni has been a Mares testimonial since 1996, has established 18 world records in numerous freediving specialties and is…

Diving into the jaws of history
by Herbert - 13th July 2016
On the trail of the giant prehistoric sharks. A chat with fossil hunter William “Bill” Eberlein William “Bill” Eberlein has…

Researchers discover that sponges are host to surprising diverse range of microbes
by Herbert - 17th June 2016
Discovery opens door to potential new discoveries in the futureSponges are important hosts for microbes, making up a significant part…

Deciphering the history of plate tectonics in North Pacific
by Mares - 14th June 2016
Researchers embark on ten-week expedition The land along the archipelago of the Aleutian Islands and the Kamchatka Peninsula is one…

An interview with Katarina Linczenyiova, freediver
by Mares - 10th June 2016
A rising star Katarina Linczenyiova is a rising star in the world of freediving, although she is relatively unknown in…

Researchers use new method to date lava flows
by Mares - 11th April 2016
To better understand the formation of the Earth's crust, scientists at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel have…

Tsunami risk at Mount Etna? Scientists install geodetic network at the foot of Europe’s largest volcano
by Mares - 29th March 2016
Measurements taken by satellites indicate that the eastern flank of Mount Etna is slowly sliding into the Ionian Sea. However,…

New European satellite to monitor the oceans and environment
by Mares - 19th February 2016
Carrying four Earth-observation instruments on board, a satellite lifted off on Tuesday on its mission to bring us a more…

How stable is the West Antarctic Ice Sheet?
by Mares - 12th February 2016
Exceeding critical temperature values can lead to collapse of the ice sheet and strong rise in sea level A future…

Genome of eelgrass mapped for the first time
by Mares - 4th February 2016
The genome of eelgrass (Zostera marina) has been mapped out by scientists after eight years of extensive research. It is…

World’s Ten Best Ethical Destinations named
by Mares - 26th January 2016
Ten countries have been named as The World's Ten Best Ethical Destinations for 2016 by Ethical Traveler, a nonprofit project…

Return of the blue whale?
by Mares - 16th November 2015
For several years, blue whales are more frequently being sighted in European waters, be it off the coast of England,…

Shark Rescue movie seeks funds to stay afloat
by Mares - 21st October 2015
“If sharks die, life on earth will also perish.” An Austrian team led by freediver Christian Redl and musician/diver Wolfgang…

Thirty percent of UNESCO natural World Heritage Sites at risk
by Mares - 6th October 2015
Almost one-third of all 229 UNESCO Natural World Heritage Sites worldwide are being threatened by mining activity and the extraction…

Resort In Maldives Gives Damaged Corals A New Home
by Mares - 24th August 2015
Coral reefs are among the oldest ecosystems in the world. Similar to tropical rainforests, they are the most biologically diverse…

Yap: A South Pacific Paradise
by Herbert - 3rd August 2015
Getting Up Close And Personal With Residents Of The Reef If Paradise exists on Earth, it must be nestled right…

Climate Change: Ocean Collapse irreversible?
by Herbert - 8th July 2015
Oceans Will Collapse If Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Not Reduced It's been confirmed: Even if we were to reduce our…