Sea Vu Dry + masks converted for CPAP ventilator use during Covid-19
by Mares - 2nd April 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic means we are currently living in challenging times, including the challenges faced daily by our medical services. With this in…

Galloping Through The Sea: The Fascinating Abalone
by Ivana and Janez - 24th October 2024
When you think of oceanic wonders, majestic dolphins or playful sea otters might come to mind. But let’s not overlook…

Pretty birds from the Red Sea
by Ivana and Janez - 12th September 2024
I love all the different species of wrasse, and I thought I knew them well, but this one was a…

Mantas – the gentle giants of the seas
by Ivana and Janez - 7th February 2018
Manta rays – the diver's dream. Belonging to the family Mobulidae, there are two species of Manta Ray often seen…

Wadden Sea National Park under threat from Russian oil drilling company
by Mares - 4th April 2016
Greenpeace activists recently staged a demonstration against Russian oil company DEA Deutsche Erdoel AG (DEA), which has plans to start…

Defining research priorities for the Arctic
by Mares - 29th February 2016
The major international Arctic research organisations, with the involvement of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic, have come up with…

The 10 most-read Mares blogs of 2020
by Mares - 28th December 2020
It's almost the end of 2020, and Mares would like to re-propose some of the most-read articles of the year from our blog...…

A big thanks from Mares
by Mares - 23rd April 2020
Dear all, If you have been following Mares’ recent activity, you will have most likely seen our effort to convert…

The spiny devilfish
by Ivana and Janez - 14th August 2024
The spiny devilfish (Inimicus didactylus) is a venomous marine fish of the Synanceiidae family. This family also includes stonefish, which are considered some…

Diving in the Pacific: 7 Idyllic Islands for Scuba Divers
by Kathryn - 27th March 2024
Diving in the Pacific Islands is a bucket list vacation for many scuba divers and unsurprisingly so. Idyllic islands surrounded…

6 of the best shark diving experiences for new divers
by Kathryn - 1st February 2024
For many scuba divers, going diving with sharks is a bucket-list experience and it can easily turn into a lifelong…

Hanifaru Bay: In a flying vortex
by Franco and Sabrina - 10th October 2023
Are you looking to be enveloped in a flying vortex of Mantas? Get ready, it doesn't happen often. Have you ever…

Are you looking for a mermaid?
by Franco and Sabrina - 26th May 2023
Okay then, get ready and hurry up before it's too late. Mermaids? Are you sure? All right, well, let's look…

Crystal River: a warm, sleepy refuge for manatees
by Franco and Sabrina - 13th March 2023
Manatees (Trichecus manatus latirostris) are large, gentle mammals that would be the bugbear of any dietitian. Lazy and sedentary, during the…

The Scribbled Leatherjacket (Aluterus scriptus)
by Ivana and Janez - 6th February 2023
Scribbled leatherjackets can be found in the lagoons and reefs of subtropical seas all over the world. Even though some…

The white-spotted octopus (Callistoctopus macropus)
by Ivana and Janez - 1st December 2022
The white-spotted octopus lives predominantly in the shallow waters of the Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas, but can sometimes be found…

The Mares Horizon SCR in the underwater museum, Croatia
by Ivan and Predrag - 25th October 2022
Out of this world dive destinations are truly recognizable, and people often plan their trips to them months in advance.…

Ragged-tooth shark (Carcharias taurus)
by Ivana and Janez - 18th July 2022
The Ragged Tooth Shark lives in oceans and seas around the world, and has different names in different regions. Around…

Vasa – The ship and museum
by Ivana and Janez - 12th January 2022
History tells us of many grand endeavours that ended ingloriously. The story of the fate of the royal ship 'Vasa' is well-known,…

Tiger Sharks
by Ivana and Janez - 15th December 2021
Tiger Sharks are one of the largest predatory sharks, shadowed only by the Great White. Female Tiger Sharks are larger…

Hammerhead Sharks
by Ivana and Janez - 13th September 2021
Sharks have a bad reputation and are the most feared marine species, even though attacks on humans are rare, with…

The largest animals ever to have lived on Earth!
by Franco and Sabrina - 17th December 2020
The southern coast of Sri Lanka may turn out to be one of the best international hotspots for seeing blue…

Dan’s Dive Destinations: Beqa Lagoon (Fiji)
by Dan - 12th October 2020
With a population of around 900,000, the stunning tropical islands of Fiji (all 332 of them) are home to the most…

Night Time On The Reef
by Dan - 12th May 2020
Lagoon comes from the Italian word 'laguna' meaning pond or lake. Like the name suggests, a lagoon is generally a…

A Paradise in Paradise
by Gerald - 29th November 2019
When tropical storm "Winston" swept over Fiji on February 20, 2016, Taveuni and Paradise Taveuni Resort were particularly hardly hit.…

Davide Lombroso ha vinto il 5° titolo italiano di fotosub!
by Mares - 16th October 2019
Continuano le esaltanti prestazioni dei fotografi subacquei del Team Mares. Davide Lombroso del CI CA SUB Seatram di Bogliasco –…

Love Bull Sharks? Try These 5 Top Dive Destinations
by LiveAboard - 11th October 2019
Bull sharks might have a bad reputation as being aggressive but diving with these sharks is a truly magical experience.…

Cleaning Without Borders
by Marjan Radovic - 18th June 2019
Cleaning Without Borders was a volunteer event organized in Savudrija / Piran on June the 9th, 2019. I participated as…

Bailando con Tiburones – Karlos Simón
by karlos - 17th November 2018
Después de interactuar con tiburones tigre durante mi record de permanencia de 12 horas sin salir del agua en Bahamas…

Alessandro Raho – Tricolore di Fotosub 2018
by Mares - 15th October 2018
Alessandro Raho del CI CA SUB Seatram Bogliasco - Tricolore di Fotosub 2018 Storica vittoria del fotografo subacqueo del Team…

Blowfish, balloonfish, pufferfish, puffers, blowies, toadfish…so which one is it?
by Ivana and Janez - 15th August 2018
The name of a fish order - Tetraodontiformes - does not sound familiar to many, but when we look into…

The Centre for Hyperbaric Medicine and MaresLAB in Belgrade
by Predrag - 13th February 2018
The idea of founding the Centre for Hyperbaric Medicine came in 1994 from the company HOLYWELL NEOPREN. The idea was…

Underwater landslides may be caused by distant earthquakes
by Herbert - 5th July 2017
Researchers have discovered that large earthquakes can trigger underwater landslides thousands of miles away weeks or months after the occurrence…

Survey needs divers to speak up for value of Florida’s reefs
by Hannah - 28th April 2017
Beautiful coral reefs are priceless to divers and snorkelers. The intrinsic value of dipping below the waves, leaving the stress…

Mysterious diving accident – Interview
by Herbert - 7th October 2016
Mysterious diving accident - Interview The case: A 74-year-old diver suffered cardiac arrest at about eight metres' depth when diving…

Good News from CITES
by Franco and Sabrina - 5th October 2016
CITES voted yesterday (4th October) on proposals to list silky sharks, all three species of thresher sharks and all nine…

White orca returns after absence of several years
by Mares - 7th September 2016
"Iceberg" the white orca has resurfaced in the Russian Far East. First sighted in early 2012, he captured worldwide media…

Potentially pathogenic bacteria discovered in microplastic particles
by Herbert - 28th July 2016
Bacteria population soars when temperatures increase Rising water temperatures have made it more likely for potentially pathogenic bacteria to make…

Baby sharks defy ocean acidification
by Mares - 15th April 2016
Some baby sharks are able to cope with the level of ocean acidification predicted for the end of this century,…

Ocean acidification slows down coral reef growth
by Mares - 17th March 2016
By manipulating the seawater chemistry of a reef to study how excess carbon dioxide caused by human activity affects coral…

Humboldt penguins and dolphins in Chile at risk
by Mares - 17th February 2016
In northern Chile at La Higuera, near the island of Chañaral, there is a marine sanctuary where about 80 percent…

Love in the moonlight: The bumphead parrotfish mass aggregation at Palau’s Rock Islands
by Mares - 15th January 2016
The green humphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) is one of the diver's favourite fishes. A school of more than 50 of…