Waiting with Ba(i)ted Breath
by Hannah - 2nd June 2017
We have all been waiting with ba(i)ted breath to see our first silky shark of the year here off the…

Master of the coral reef – The Giant Moray Eel
by Mares - 12th May 2017
Sometimes ugly, sometimes frightening, and of imposing size, the Giant Moray Eel is the master of the coral reefs of…

A Playground in the Indian Ocean
by Gerald - 8th May 2017
Asia has always been my favourite region for travelling and diving. My first visit to Thailand was to Phuket in 1989.…

Papua New Guinea: Simply a dream destination
by Herbert - 6th May 2017
Incredible biodiversity in PNG holds incredible biodiversity North of Australia and south of the Equator lies the independent island state…

Survey needs divers to speak up for value of Florida’s reefs
by Hannah - 28th April 2017
Beautiful coral reefs are priceless to divers and snorkelers. The intrinsic value of dipping below the waves, leaving the stress…

Ocean acidification causes coralline algae to adjust internal chemistry
by Herbert - 25th April 2017
Some species show higher tolerance than others For the first time, a new study has revealed that coralline algae, which…

Surviving Murphy’s Law to study sharks
by Hannah - 24th April 2017
Have you ever had one of those days when just about everything goes wrong? Mine started out breaking one of…

The Scuba Diver Girls meet some curious seals!
by Scuba Diver Girls - 14th April 2017
“What is that?!” I gasped as I felt something tug my fin. I glanced over at Stephanie who was on…

Post-trip review 3 – BCDs and Torches
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 13th April 2017
Given the extreme nature of our dive expedition, our first choice of buoyancy device was the Donut Bladder Twin Tank…

Freediving in the Mediterranean
by Gerald - 24th March 2017
A few days of vacation in Rab. Time to relax and dive with my good old buddy Andi Kron is planned. …

Yap: Manta Mania in its third year
by Herbert - 2nd March 2017
Science and fascination within one's reachEvery year, during the mating season of the manta rays in Yap, scientists and interested…

Growing problem of litter in the Arctic depths
by Herbert - 16th February 2017
Sea ice may be responsible for transporting plastic wasteThe Arctic has a garbage problem. In just a decade, the amount…

Our first project – The objectives and why we are Proud to be Navy
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 18th January 2017
Dear friends and followers of the MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team blog, While in our last blog…

When changes regenerate you
by Yme - 17th January 2017
It’s the first day of the year and I’m sitting in front of my computer summarizing 2016. There have been some incredible experiences and I…

Coral restoration in Bonaire
by Herbert - 13th January 2017
Engaging the diver to protect and restore reefs For several years, scientists have observed more and more instances of coral…

Taking the plunge at Christmas Island
by Herbert - 30th December 2016
Meeting whale sharks instead of Santa ClausOnce upon a time, there was an island, remote and distant from the rest…

New insights into the changes of the Nordic Seas during interglacials
by Mares - 5th December 2016
The characteristics of the water masses in the Nordic Seas are expected to change due to the Earth's higher temperatures…

Unterseeboot U455 – Ligurian Wrecks (Part I)
by Florent M. Locatelli - 4th November 2016
Early in the morning, the 300 horsepower engine of the 8m superfast inflatable boat flies us over a mirror-like sea…

Germany proposes protection for Weddell Sea
by Mares - 20th October 2016
The European Union has submitted a request for a marine protected area (MPA) to be established in the Weddell Sea.…

Mysterious diving accident – Interview
by Herbert - 7th October 2016
Mysterious diving accident - Interview The case: A 74-year-old diver suffered cardiac arrest at about eight metres' depth when diving…

Good News from CITES
by Franco and Sabrina - 5th October 2016
CITES voted yesterday (4th October) on proposals to list silky sharks, all three species of thresher sharks and all nine…

Seafloor of Red Sea formed at least 12 million years ago
by Herbert - 20th September 2016
Discovery overturns present understanding of region’s geological development Geoscientists find the Red Sea fascinating as it represents an ocean in…

White orca returns after absence of several years
by Mares - 7th September 2016
"Iceberg" the white orca has resurfaced in the Russian Far East. First sighted in early 2012, he captured worldwide media…

My rEvo Rebreather Course !
by Yme - 5th September 2016
I'm on the ferry gently sliding away from Bari’s dock at 10pm with a beer in hand and I feel happy and…

Whale sharks and hammerhead sharks go into the red
by Mares - 16th August 2016
IUCN Red List now names them as “Endangered” The July 2016 update to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of…

Fishes find sanctuary
by Mares - 4th August 2016
Larger MPA established based on the movement of fishermen's favoured fish species Beneath the waves of Palikir Pass (or P-Pass)…

A Great Adventure in Lebanon
by Yme - 2nd August 2016
I wake up at 7.30am because of the wind that’s blowing like a storm. Outside it’s raining and the temperature is around…

Humpback whale spotted in Bay of Greifswald
by Herbert - 2nd August 2016
Public requested to report sightings to German Oceanographic Museum On the mornings of July 27th and 28th, a whale was…

WWF salvages discarded ghost nets in Baltic Sea
by Mares - 1st August 2016
Divers can help by reporting location of ghost netsIt was a successful start to the campaign: A big trawl net…

Limitations of adaptation in ocean acidification
by Mares - 21st July 2016
Examining the evolutionary adaptation of unicellular phytoplankton Through the process of evolution, the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi, a unicellular phytoplankton, has…

Overfishing causes collapse of cod fisheries in Baltic Sea
by Mares - 15th July 2016
Scientists suggest revision of maximum catch quotas Cod is the great predator of the Baltic Sea and the main fish…

Diving into the jaws of history
by Herbert - 13th July 2016
On the trail of the giant prehistoric sharks. A chat with fossil hunter William “Bill” Eberlein William “Bill” Eberlein has…

My life as a scuba instructor
by Yme - 10th July 2016
I have just taken off my triathlon suite after a 1hr 20min swimming session in the crystal clear waters of…

World War II wreck the MFP at 90mt : what an experience!!
by Yme - 4th July 2016
I wake up at 5:45am thinking I forgot to fill the argon tank I’ll use with my drysuit during today's dive. Yesterday…

Understanding the scuba divers code….
by Cat - 30th June 2016
There is nothing more frustrating in life then when you are within a group of individuals who are speaking a foreign…

Fresh hope for coral reefs
by Mares - 23rd June 2016
Global study uncovers “bright spots” where coral reefs thrive Researchers have discovered certain places where coral reefs have managed to…

Researchers discover that sponges are host to surprising diverse range of microbes
by Herbert - 17th June 2016
Discovery opens door to potential new discoveries in the futureSponges are important hosts for microbes, making up a significant part…

This year’s decline of Arctic sea ice may be as bad as the record low of 2012
by Mares - 19th May 2016
At the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), sea ice physicists have predicted that the…

Reef sharks prefer bite-sized meals
by Mares - 22nd April 2016
Many of us have the impression that sharks have a large appetite. However, a new study proves otherwise, indicating that…

Baby sharks defy ocean acidification
by Mares - 15th April 2016
Some baby sharks are able to cope with the level of ocean acidification predicted for the end of this century,…

Ocean acidification slows down coral reef growth
by Mares - 17th March 2016
By manipulating the seawater chemistry of a reef to study how excess carbon dioxide caused by human activity affects coral…

Defining research priorities for the Arctic
by Mares - 29th February 2016
The major international Arctic research organisations, with the involvement of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic, have come up with…

Humboldt penguins and dolphins in Chile at risk
by Mares - 17th February 2016
In northern Chile at La Higuera, near the island of Chañaral, there is a marine sanctuary where about 80 percent…

How stable is the West Antarctic Ice Sheet?
by Mares - 12th February 2016
Exceeding critical temperature values can lead to collapse of the ice sheet and strong rise in sea level A future…

Researchers measure platelet ice beneath Antarctic sea ice
by Mares - 8th February 2016
For the first time, sea ice physicists at the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) have developed a new method of efficiently…

Genome of eelgrass mapped for the first time
by Mares - 4th February 2016
The genome of eelgrass (Zostera marina) has been mapped out by scientists after eight years of extensive research. It is…

Love in the moonlight: The bumphead parrotfish mass aggregation at Palau’s Rock Islands
by Mares - 15th January 2016
The green humphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) is one of the diver's favourite fishes. A school of more than 50 of…

Invasive seaweed develops stronger defences
by Mares - 4th January 2016
A higher level of defence has been found within an invasive strain of seaweed from Asia that has translocated to…