Bluefin tuna return to North Sea
by Herbert - 2nd October 2017
Researchers tag fish with satellite trackers After an absence of more than 50 years, the endangered bluefin tuna has returned…

Reintroduction of European flat oysters in German North Sea
by Mares - 30th June 2016
Three-year trial will set up foundation for restoration of species For the first time, the German Federal Agency for Nature…

Baja California Sur Safari – 2023 season
by Franco and Sabrina - 28th November 2023
It’s easy to understand why we return to Mexico's Baja California Sur almost every year. The five destinations we visit…

Red Sea Heat
by Alex - 30th August 2023
We tend to think of coral seas as being close to the equator and therefore changing little through the year.…

The Leopards of the Seas
by Ivana and Janez - 24th April 2023
Leopard sharks are one of the most common sharks in the Eastern North Pacific. Their scientific name, Triakis semifasciata, means “half…

Eilat, Jerusalem, the Dead Sea – A winter adventure in Israel
by Ivana and Janez - 11th April 2023
This year's first diving expedition took us to the Israeli resort of Eilat, on the coast of the Red Sea.…

‘Baitball’ watching in the open sea
by Gerald - 12th July 2021
"May the god of the sea spoil you with happiness and let a mighty school of fish slide over your…

Open Ocean Research
by Submaris - 10th April 2018
The Big Blue! Finally! After three days of travelling via plane, a short delay of one day due to carnival,…

Increase in melting sea ice may lead to higher food supply in Arctic
by Herbert - 26th September 2017
In the Arctic, melt ponds are formed every year when snow and sea ice melt at the end of winter.…

Researchers measure unusually high oxygen uptake in the Labrador Sea
by Herbert - 13th September 2017
Ocean taking a deep breath? Stormy, rough and very cold: these characteristics of the Labrador Sea may initially seem uncomfortable,…

‘Expect the unexpected’ – Underwater archaeological research around the island of Mozia, Sicily
by BGfU - 22nd August 2017
In July 2017, scientific divers of the Bavarian Society for Underwaterarchaeology (BGfU) and the Philipps University Marburg were invited by…

Freshwater sources in the sea
by Herbert - 20th July 2017
The invisible water resource In the scientific journal Earth Science Reviews, geologists Nils Moosdorf and Till Oehler from the Leibniz…

Researchers gather at Great Barrier Reef to study latest coral bleaching
by Mares - 21st March 2017
Aerial and underwater surveys to be conducted As coral bleaching strikes the Great Barrier Reef for the second year in…

Wave-Glider: Keeping track of marine research in real time
by Mares - 3rd March 2017
Online portal for Wave Glider missions launchedWave Glider missions can now be viewed online – and they are live. Operated…

Map of seafloor shows new details about 2015 eruption at Axial Seamount
by Mares - 29th December 2016
The Axial Seamount, an underwater volcano about 470 kilometres off the Oregon coast, is one of the world's most active…

New insights into the changes of the Nordic Seas during interglacials
by Mares - 5th December 2016
The characteristics of the water masses in the Nordic Seas are expected to change due to the Earth's higher temperatures…

Arctic sea ice at its second-lowest ever this September
by Mares - 16th September 2016
In September 2016, the surface of the Arctic sea ice shrank to nearly 4.1 million square kilometres – the second…

WWF salvages discarded ghost nets in Baltic Sea
by Mares - 1st August 2016
Divers can help by reporting location of ghost netsIt was a successful start to the campaign: A big trawl net…

Overfishing causes collapse of cod fisheries in Baltic Sea
by Mares - 15th July 2016
Scientists suggest revision of maximum catch quotas Cod is the great predator of the Baltic Sea and the main fish…

The Red Sea still drawing in the divers…..
by Cat - 11th July 2016
I am sat in my office trying to catch up on some paperwork in between packing my bags once again…

Deciphering the history of plate tectonics in North Pacific
by Mares - 14th June 2016
Researchers embark on ten-week expedition The land along the archipelago of the Aleutian Islands and the Kamchatka Peninsula is one…

This year’s decline of Arctic sea ice may be as bad as the record low of 2012
by Mares - 19th May 2016
At the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), sea ice physicists have predicted that the…

Researchers use new method to date lava flows
by Mares - 11th April 2016
To better understand the formation of the Earth's crust, scientists at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel have…

Book launch at Maritime Museum shines light on first German deep-sea expedition
by Mares - 7th March 2016
Zoologist Carl Chun from Leipzig was fascinated by the possibilities within the deep sea. In a speech to the German…

Invasive seaweed develops stronger defences
by Mares - 4th January 2016
A higher level of defence has been found within an invasive strain of seaweed from Asia that has translocated to…

Plastic waste threatens lives of seabirds in Helgoland
by Mares - 11th December 2015
Pilot study initiated to gather more information High on the cliffs of Helgoland, a small German archipelago in the North…

Arctic sea ice plays essential role in methane cycle
by Mares - 8th December 2015
Study uncovers link between seasonal melting of sea ice and release of methane gas The ice-covered Arctic Ocean plays a…

Italian navy divers seal off wreck
by Mares - 4th December 2015
Explosives inside wreck stolen by local Mafia syndicate A ship which had over the years become a source of explosives…

Mesmerising creatures of the sea, yet so vicious – Misadventures with comb jellies
by Mares - 18th November 2015
Looking through the mask, it appears as if an alien lifeform is trying to communicate with the divers, flashing its…

Billions of juvenile polar cod under Arctic sea ice
by Mares - 14th October 2015
With a newly developed netting gear, marine scientists at the Alfred Wegener Institute managed to catch a large number of…

Eilat: In The Sea And On The Sand For Your Fun In The Sun
by Herbert - 17th July 2015
For Your Fun In The Sun When temperatures start to drop during those winter months in Germany, many of us…

A Riddle in the Dark – Finally Solved: The Mysterious Sinking of the German U-Boat UC 71 of Heligoland in 1919
by Submaris - 26th May 2020
Up until the end of World War I, UC 71 carried out a total of 19 enemy patrols under five…

The forgotten shipwrecks of the Battle of Heligoland – 1914
by Submaris - 14th March 2019
On the 28th of August 1914, the first naval battle of the First World War was fought between ships from…

Thousands of dolphins die as countries ignore EU regulations
by Herbert - 23rd November 2017
Whales and dolphins continue to perish as bycatch in fishing nets The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Organization (WDC) has examined…

How are whales and dolphins doing in Europe?
by Mares - 24th May 2017
New population estimates released Ten EU Member States have carried out a survey of the distribution and abundance of whales…

Kiel Fjord as training ground for mussels
by Mares - 4th May 2017
Genetic adaptation likely to have occurred over many generations Mussels from the Kiel Fjord were discovered to be able to…

New underwater observatory to monitor zooplankton
by Herbert - 10th December 2016
Scientists from the Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) and Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG) have placed an optical-acoustic…

Greenpeace gathers 24,000 signatures against oil drilling in national park
by Mares - 12th November 2016
High price for just a little oil Last week, Greenpeace activists handed over 24,000 signed postcards to Dr Robert Habeck,…

UK Inland Diving Locations Case Study – Stoney Cove
by Cat - 27th July 2016
The fact that the United Kingdom is an island, should mean that costal diving locations are plentiful and varied enough…

Marine life make themselves at home amongst dropped boulders at reef
by Mares - 6th June 2016
Boulders also prevent fishing activities from taking place. The large boulders dumped into the Sylt Outer Reef in the North…

International shipping routes and invasive species: What’s next?
by Mares - 26th April 2016
Scientists from Oldenburg and Frankfurt have modelled how the global shipping routes leads to the spread of invasive plant and…

Environment groups call for more effective marine protection
by Mares - 18th March 2016
German environmental organisations have called for a more effective level of marine protection in the North and Baltic Sea by…

GRD: Seen any harbour porpoises lately?
by Mares - 11th March 2016
As in previous years, the GRD (Society for Dolphin Conservation) is appealing to the public to report any sightings of…

Whale carcasses from recent stranding dissected
by Mares - 10th February 2016
Staff from the German Oceanographic Museum had a whale of a task last weekend, dissecting the carcasses of three of…

Thirty percent of UNESCO natural World Heritage Sites at risk
by Mares - 6th October 2015
Almost one-third of all 229 UNESCO Natural World Heritage Sites worldwide are being threatened by mining activity and the extraction…

Mares Dive Center of the Month – Kron Diving – Explore Rab’s Underwater Treasures
by Mares - 17th February 2025
Dive into the Adriatic Sea's secrets with Kron Diving! The dive sites offer something unique for everyone. From easy training…

HTMS Suphairin – A Wreck Full of Life
by Ivana and Janez - 10th January 2025
Koh Tao is a diving location which is well known around the world. The small island, isolated in the Gulf…

A Flock of Marine Birds
by Franco and Sabrina - 14th October 2024
Have you ever had a flock of marine birds as dive buddies? It's definitely an unusual situation. They pierce the water's…