Unterseeboot U455 – Ligurian Wrecks (Part I)
by Florent M. Locatelli - 4th November 2016
Early in the morning, the 300 horsepower engine of the 8m superfast inflatable boat flies us over a mirror-like sea…

Irrawaddy dolphins “functionally extinct” in Laos
by Mares - 1st November 2016
No hope left for the remaining dolphinsThe Irrawaddy dolphin has lost the battle for survival in Laos. The WWF declared…

World’s largest marine protected area established in Antarctica
by Herbert - 28th October 2016
Just off the southern coast of Antarctica is the Ross Sea, where the largest marine protected area (MPA) will be…

Seismic gun testing threatens world’s second largest barrier reef
by Mares - 25th October 2016
Belize begins seismic surveys at the World Natural Heritage Site of the Belize Barrier Reef In late October 2016, Belize…

Germany proposes protection for Weddell Sea
by Mares - 20th October 2016
The European Union has submitted a request for a marine protected area (MPA) to be established in the Weddell Sea.…

The greatest ocean safari on the planet!
by Morne Hardenberg - 19th October 2016
Every year, over the months of June/July, we spend 40 days on South Africa's "Wild Coast" waiting for the mass…

Life beneath the ice
by Mares - 17th October 2016
Welcome to the world beneath the ice. We're all familiar with the animals that live above the ice at the…

Greenpeace reports on research on microplastics in seafood
by Mares - 6th October 2016
Microplastics can accumulate in the food chain “In the environment, microplastics act like a foreign body with toxins. It contains…

Good News from CITES
by Franco and Sabrina - 5th October 2016
CITES voted yesterday (4th October) on proposals to list silky sharks, all three species of thresher sharks and all nine…

Photo exhibition on ocean acidification opens at GEOMAR
by Mares - 27th September 2016
A new photo exhibition by two nature photographers centres on the organisms on which climate change research is currently focused…

Two-thirds of zooplankton at tropical coral reefs lost to ocean acidification
by Herbert - 24th September 2016
Ocean acidification can fundamentally change the structure of the reef Tropical coral reefs can lose up to two-thirds of their…

Larger-sized animals at higher risk of extinction
by Mares - 22nd September 2016
Serious consequences for the marine ecosystems Uncontrolled fishing practices have given rise to a new trend that places larger animals…

New Hope Spots spell new hope for the world’s oceans
by Herbert - 15th September 2016
Fourteen new oceanic Hope Spots were jointly announced last week by Mission Blue and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of…

The birth of the XR line
by Florent M. Locatelli - 13th September 2016
In 1949, Ludovico Mares designed and manufactured his first masks and spearguns with one dream and purpose in mind: to…

IUCN Report: “We are making the world sick”
by Mares - 9th September 2016
Drastic changes within the marine environment Since the 1970s, the oceans have absorbed more than 93 percent of the enhanced…

Freediving Philosophy
by Gianluca - 8th September 2016
Most people who have never experienced the emotion of freediving see this discipline as a test of bravery or a…

Submerged Mediterranean port actually eight acres large
by Herbert - 30th August 2016
Site of a major fortress and port during the Roman periodIt turns out that the ancient Mediterranean port of Triport…

Ocean acidification puts cod larvae in Atlantic under threat
by Mares - 27th August 2016
Population of cod has come into increasing pressure The increased acidification of the ocean may lead to twice as many…

High pollution potential found in sediment
by Mares - 23rd August 2016
Plastic particles act like magnets to bind pollutants and toxins A research team has revealed that microplastics have the ability…

Stubby squid (Rossia pacifica) enchants scientists
by Herbert - 21st August 2016
Squid charms scientists with its googly eyesWhen filming the ocean depths at about 900 metres off the Californian coast recently,…

The Privilege of Diving
by Peter - 17th August 2016
The Privilege of Diving What was your first window to the ocean like? Through mine everything was black and white, it could…

Whale sharks and hammerhead sharks go into the red
by Mares - 16th August 2016
IUCN Red List now names them as “Endangered” The July 2016 update to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of…

Essential seaweed species in Baltic Sea under threat
by Mares - 11th August 2016
The Baltic Sea’s biomass of bladder wrack (Fucus vesiculosus) may soon decline due to rising sea temperatures and the presence…

Earth Overshoot Day : After 8 August 2016, humanity is in debt
by Mares - 9th August 2016
Demands on natural resources have exceeded available resources since yesterday This year, Earth Overshoot Day fell on 8 August 2016.…

A Great Adventure in Lebanon
by Yme - 2nd August 2016
I wake up at 7.30am because of the wind that’s blowing like a storm. Outside it’s raining and the temperature is around…

Humpback whale spotted in Bay of Greifswald
by Herbert - 2nd August 2016
Public requested to report sightings to German Oceanographic Museum On the mornings of July 27th and 28th, a whale was…

WWF salvages discarded ghost nets in Baltic Sea
by Mares - 1st August 2016
Divers can help by reporting location of ghost netsIt was a successful start to the campaign: A big trawl net…

Free, self-contained or extended…what’s for you?
by Peter - 29th July 2016
Mares – 'just add water' and your 'pure instinct' will come to life, so you can explore the 'extended range' ahead of you!…

Limitations of adaptation in ocean acidification
by Mares - 21st July 2016
Examining the evolutionary adaptation of unicellular phytoplankton Through the process of evolution, the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi, a unicellular phytoplankton, has…

Scientists gather new data on effects of El Niño
by Mares - 18th July 2016
Findings indicate changes in equatorial undercurrent. October 2015 saw one of the strongest measured El Niño occurrences in the eastern…

Introducing Delos! A world cruising sailboat! (Part 2)
by SV Delos - 12th July 2016
(Read part 1 here) For Brian and his partner, the moment of reality came in 2008. The research on boats, planning,…

Introducing Delos! A world cruising sailboat! (Part 1)
by SV Delos - 11th July 2016
Here I am. 50 Meters underwater. In a dark black hallway. Swimming my way towards “The Lady”. I’m following the bright…

Turtle herpes outbreak may be due to pollution
by Herbert - 11th July 2016
Disease causes growths that obstruct turtle's vision Green sea turtles, which are currently endangered, are facing another threat – a…

Offspring for rare Mekong dolphins in Cambodia
by Herbert - 7th July 2016
New hope for Mekong River's dolphinsNewly born calf spotted with mother: Break out the cigars and champagne: A young dolphin…

Great White Shark Tagging
by Marcel - 5th July 2016
Finning, bycatch in commercial fishing, over fishing, sport fishing, contamination, pollution and targeted killing let the shark populations rapidly sink…

World War II wreck the MFP at 90mt : what an experience!!
by Yme - 4th July 2016
I wake up at 5:45am thinking I forgot to fill the argon tank I’ll use with my drysuit during today's dive. Yesterday…

Reintroduction of European flat oysters in German North Sea
by Mares - 30th June 2016
Three-year trial will set up foundation for restoration of species For the first time, the German Federal Agency for Nature…

Seaweed threatens coral reefs in the Pacific
by Herbert - 28th June 2016
Researchers call for more protection of herbivorous fishCoral reefs in the Pacific Ocean are coming under increasing threat of the…

by Marcel - 24th June 2016
It is quite a time ago, but I still remember very well when SHARKWATER was launched in cinemas throughout Europe.…

Fresh hope for coral reefs
by Mares - 23rd June 2016
Global study uncovers “bright spots” where coral reefs thrive Researchers have discovered certain places where coral reefs have managed to…

The Discovery of the Rio de Janeiro
by Herbert - 16th June 2016
The Search For A WWII Shipwreck On 14 June 2015, after a seven-year search, the wreck of the Rio de…

An interview with Katarina Linczenyiova, freediver
by Mares - 10th June 2016
A rising star Katarina Linczenyiova is a rising star in the world of freediving, although she is relatively unknown in…

Marine life make themselves at home amongst dropped boulders at reef
by Mares - 6th June 2016
Boulders also prevent fishing activities from taking place. The large boulders dumped into the Sylt Outer Reef in the North…

Malaysia establishes its largest marine reserve
by Mares - 2nd June 2016
Park is home to 80,000 people and has more than 250 species of hard corals The Sabah State Government has…

The not so silent world
by Mares - 27th May 2016
There is no doubt Jacques would be jealous. Sure, he had pristine reefs and healthier fish populations but the guy…

How to scuba dive – without getting wet!
by Mares - 23rd May 2016
Diving allows us to observe the vast diversity of marine life in our oceans, and gives us the privilege of…

Proportion of unicellular plankton much higher than previously thought
by Mares - 29th April 2016
Unicellular planktonic organisms play a more important role in the marine ecosystem than previously thought. This was the conclusion drawn…

Reef sharks prefer bite-sized meals
by Mares - 22nd April 2016
Many of us have the impression that sharks have a large appetite. However, a new study proves otherwise, indicating that…