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Ivana and Janez

“Caution, sea urchins!”

by Ivana and Janez - 9th May 2018
"Caution, sea urchins!" Does this sound familiar? The name ‘sea urchin’ resounds on almost every dive boat. We are always…

Open Ocean Research

by Submaris - 10th April 2018
The Big Blue! Finally! After three days of travelling via plane, a short delay of one day due to carnival,…
Ivana and Janez

Primitive? Maybe. Ugly? Definitely not!

by Ivana and Janez - 26th March 2018
Featherstars are more scientifically known as crinoids – coming from a Greek word meaning ‘lily-like’- so it comes as no…
Ivana and Janez

The Wobbegong Shark

by Ivana and Janez - 16th March 2018
When I first heard the name 'Carpet shark', I thought it was a joke. The name does not sound very…
Ivana and Janez

Icy Adventures

by Ivana and Janez - 9th March 2018
When you think of diving under the ice in Europe, what first comes to mind is Lake Weissensee, located in…
Franco and Sabrina

The Island of Santa Maria

by Franco and Sabrina - 27th February 2018
Islands in the current of an endless ocean (Part Two) Read Part 1 here Santa Maria In the Azores' archipelago,…

Celebes Divers, Siladen Island – Onong Resort & Kuda Laut Boutique Dive Resort

by Mares - 23rd February 2018
We're back with Celebes Divers Manado once again to find out what their other dive centers have to offer. At…
Ivana and Janez

Raja Ampat, Indonesia

by Ivana and Janez - 20th February 2018
As a Mares Ambassador, I had the honour of being a part of an extraordinary expedition, organised by the Ocean…

Celebes Divers, Manado – Mapia Resort and Spa

by Mares - 16th February 2018
We recently caught up with our friends at Celebes Divers Manado, located on the island of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. At…

Increasing nutrient input has implications for food webs in the Arctic Ocean

by Herbert - 13th February 2018
Scientists find surprising evidence of rapid changes in the Arctic Scientists have found surprising evidence of rapid Arctic climate change:…
Ivana and Janez

Mantas – the gentle giants of the seas

by Ivana and Janez - 7th February 2018
Manta rays – the diver's dream. Belonging to the family Mobulidae, there are two species of Manta Ray often seen…

Wild Papua – Looking for history

by Damir - 29th January 2018
Raja Ampat, best known for its diversity of marine life, can best be described as a coral reef on steroids:…
Ivana and Janez

Blackwater Night Dive

by Ivana and Janez - 24th January 2018
To most divers, a night dive is their favourite kind of dive. Everything becomes pacified at night. The lamps we…

Dive into the underwater world of Milford Sound

by Gerald - 22nd January 2018
We are now far at the south end of New Zealand. More specifically in the southwest, in the world of…

Greenpeace travels to unexplored parts of the Antarctic

by Herbert - 19th January 2018
Expedition to provide further arguments for the world's largest marine protected area Greenpeace will explore previously barely known regions in…

115 previously unknown species discovered in the Mekong

by Herbert - 8th January 2018
Something new in the East! A crocodile lizard, a snail-eating turtle, and a bat that looks like a character from…
Franco and Sabrina

An island in the current of an endless ocean

by Franco and Sabrina - 5th January 2018
Nine islands of lava, each one different from the other; some with high coasts and fjords, inlets that seem to…

Diving at the Poor Knights Islands

by Gerald - 3rd January 2018
Even as a teenager, I dreamed of the islands off the New Zealand North Island and always wanted to go…

Sea Lions – Los Islotes

by Damir - 2nd January 2018
Los Islotes island is located just 25 miles, or just over an hour’s boat ride, from La Paz. The ride…

Video footage sheds light on deep-sea food webs

by Herbert - 19th December 2017
Jellyfish and related organisms are among the most important predators The animals of the deep sea have been systematically studied…

Researchers puzzle over possible causes for disappearance of sea snakes

by Herbert - 11th December 2017
Western Australia: High genetic diversity in sea snakes found Scientists have studied the genetic diversity of sea snakes in different…

Sea Something, Say Something: Coral Reef Citizen Science

by Hannah - 11th December 2017
We have had a hectic hurricane season here in the Florida and Caribbean region, which can have a big effect…

Scientists discover flexible self-healing ability in ctenophora

by Herbert - 6th December 2017
Wound healing or regeneration – the environment decides Losing a body part is almost always an irreversible situation for humans…

Japan allowed to continue trade in threatened whales’ meat

by Herbert - 4th December 2017
CITIES meeting misses historic opportunity Last week, on 27 November 2017, the Standing Committee of CITES missed the opportunity to…
Ivana and Janez

The Lions of the Ocean

by Ivana and Janez - 1st December 2017
Lionfish (Pterois spp) are represented by 12 very closely related species. These majestic and amazing looking fish are among underwater…

Researchers are developing a new method for restoring damaged coral reefs

by Herbert - 1st December 2017
Successful breeding and application of coral larvae For the first time, researchers have accelerated the formation of new coral colonies…
Alejandro Andrés

Freediving Patagonia

by Alejandro Andrés - 27th November 2017
Have you ever thought about what freediving in Patagonia is like? I'm a competitive Freediver and run Freediving Patagonia, my…

EU project Nunataryuk investigates effects of permafrost thaw

by Herbert - 27th November 2017
Fragile Arctic environment threatened by retreating permafrost Permafrost makes up a quarter of the land mass in the Northern Hemisphere.…

Thousands of dolphins die as countries ignore EU regulations

by Herbert - 23rd November 2017
Whales and dolphins continue to perish as bycatch in fishing nets The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Organization (WDC) has examined…

Faster reproduction ensures immigrant species success

by Herbert - 19th November 2017
Why only a few introduced species establish themselves in foreign marine regions The number of non-native species detected for the…

Bronze Palm at the World Festival of Underwater Images for Algerian documentary ‘The Houses of the Sea’

by Emir - 15th November 2017
The Algerian documentary film The Houses of the Sea by Hamza Mendil, won the Bronze Palm on Saturday night in…

Blue Dolphin of Malta International Underwater Competition

by Herbert - 14th November 2017
12th Edition of the prestigious competition held in Gozo The 12th Edition of the Blue Dolphin of Malta International Underwater…

A Sea of Opportunities at DEMA 2017

by Hannah - 8th November 2017
The Dive Equipment Manufacturing Association’s annual four-day, industry-only trade show just wrapped up in Orlando, Florida. With attendance of more…

Maltese Diving

by Mares - 2nd November 2017
It is well-known that throughout history Malta has been a battlefield for numerous historical events, owing to its strategic position.…

Scientists present research results on ocean acidification

by Herbert - 31st October 2017
Ocean acidification and warming affect life in the sea In November 2017, the final phase of the German research association…

Florida: Shipwrecks as reef oases

by Herbert - 18th October 2017
Panama City Beach offers five historic wrecks along Panhandle Shipwreck Diving Trail Located in the northwest of Florida, Panama City…
Ivana and Janez

Diving in the Drina River

by Ivana and Janez - 12th October 2017
The Drina River, formed by the confluence of the Tara and Piva rivers near the village of Scepan Polje, represents…

Cave and Wreck diving on the Island of Vis

by Damir - 11th October 2017
The Island of Vis is not only known for its astounding underwater life, but also for its numerous wrecks, of…

Divers call BINGO to save sharks

by Hannah - 10th October 2017
BINGO! Who knew people that love to dive and protect sharks also like to play BINGO? Apparently, my good friend…

Malta’s Wartime Legacy

by Herbert - 9th October 2017
Strategically located, Malta saw some of the fiercest aerial and sea battles of World War Two, leaving a legacy of…

Bluefin tuna return to North Sea

by Herbert - 2nd October 2017
Researchers tag fish with satellite trackers After an absence of more than 50 years, the endangered bluefin tuna has returned…

Successes in fight against dolphin threats in South Africa

by Herbert - 27th September 2017
First shark nets dismantled After the fourth incident earlier in 2017 involving an endangered humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea) in a…

The “Biggest” Little Photo Workshop in the Diving Industry

by b_rad - 6th September 2017
The biggest in prizes that is. This summer some photographers are going to win almost $10,000 in Mares gear along…

253 people creates world’s largest 3D bodypainting image

by Herbert - 21st August 2017
Last Saturday, a world record was set at Messe Wien (Viennese exhibition center). On 187 square meters, 253 people created…
Marjan Radovic

Sea Turtle Recovery Center – Croatia

by Marjan Radovic - 7th August 2017
At the Verudela Lighthouse in Pula - Croatia, the release of sea turtles back into the wild was organized by…

The living dinosaurs of the sea

by Mares - 4th August 2017
Out of the seven species of sea turtles, six have made it onto the International Union for Conservation of Nature's…

Mangroves: “Forests on stilts” in dire straits

by Herbert - 26th July 2017
Half of the world's mangroves already destroyed, says WWF on World Mangrove Day Today, on World Mangrove Day (26 July…
Franco and Sabrina

Fun, tech diving, photo pro, friends … what else?

by Franco and Sabrina - 25th July 2017
All over Croatia the sea is crystal clear with millions of shades, promising and seductive. It embraces a strip of…