Breath hold: Relaqua the idea of relaxation in the water
by Nik - 5th February 2020
There are people who dive hundreds of feet, deep and over ten minutes with just one breath. Nik Linder is…

Travel tips with a rEvo rebreather or Horizon SCR
by ivan - 17th July 2023
Traveling with diving equipment has always been a calling for divers. With airlines tightening luggage restrictions, packing for a dive…

Waiting with Ba(i)ted Breath
by Hannah - 2nd June 2017
We have all been waiting with ba(i)ted breath to see our first silky shark of the year here off the…

Life on the Cambodian edge – Koh Ach Seh, Cambodia
by Andi - 30th April 2024
Following a grueling four-hour drive from Phnom Penh, we arrived in Kep, Cambodia. Though exhausted after our journey from Hanoi,…

Freediving Under Ice
by Nik - 31st March 2022
Freediving under ice can be very demanding, but at the same time it is the perfect challenge in order to…

Upside Down World Record
by Nik - 8th May 2020
I already broke a world record some years ago for 'the longest breath hold upside down' in the Italian version of the…

Becoming a freedive instructor
by Dan - 1st April 2020
Freediving is an amazing feeling, some say that it's as close as you can get to flying, some liken it…

Red Bull Cliff Diving and Mares Freediving come together
by Marcel - 16th June 2016
Only very occasionally does a jump from the pool side look so graceful – I had the great pleasure of joining freediving world…

A Flock of Marine Birds
by Franco and Sabrina - 14th October 2024
Have you ever had a flock of marine birds as dive buddies? It's definitely an unusual situation. They pierce the water's…

Underwater Photographer of the Year 2024
by Alex - 24th April 2024
One of the highlights of my year is chairing the judging panel and presenting the winners of the Underwater Photographer…

Leatherback sea turtles
by Franco and Sabrina - 18th January 2024
A leatherback turtle swimming gracefully through the open ocean is arguably one of the most majestic sights in the natural…

Crystal River: a warm, sleepy refuge for manatees
by Franco and Sabrina - 13th March 2023
Manatees (Trichecus manatus latirostris) are large, gentle mammals that would be the bugbear of any dietitian. Lazy and sedentary, during the…

The elusive Basking Shark
by Alex - 30th September 2022
Last summer I headed to the tiny island of Coll, out in the Atlantic, off the west coast of Scotland.…

Bahia Magdalena: Where giant travellers rest (Chapter Four)
by Franco and Sabrina - 12th September 2022
The Baja California peninsula is another world, another universe, and inside this bewitching world there is a stretch of Pacific…

Easing back into scuba diving
by Dan - 12th October 2021
At last, I'm back! I'm sure it's the same for many of you, the lockdown has been incredibly tough. Days,…

Whale Memories
by Dan - 19th August 2021
About this time every year, humpback whales travel from Antarctica to the warm waters of the Pacific to calve. Sadly,…

Dan’s Dive Destinations: Shark Diving
by Dan - 31st December 2020
Diving with sharks in Fiji In my opinion, every single person should experience a shark dive just once. It can…

School’s Out
by Imran - 3rd February 2020
“Safety in numbers is the hypothesis that, by being part of a large physical group or mass, an individual is…

Clowning around in Tahiti
by Dan - 13th December 2019
Tahiti is an incredible place famous for its sharks, whales and great diving. One of my goals for this trip…

An Interview with Freediver Nik Linder
by Ivana and Janez - 15th November 2019
Nik Linder: My name is Nikolay ‘Nik’ Linder. I live in the very south of Germany, close to France and…

Freediving – Marjan Radovic photographs Tijana Nikolic
by Marjan Radovic - 4th September 2019
Freediving is an activity as old as humanity itself. More than any other sport, freediving is based on subconscious reflexes…

The exciting journey of sockeye salmon
by Gerald - 22nd November 2018
Together with a handful of like-minded people I make my way to British Columbia. Via Vancouver, we drive to Shuswap…

XR Wreck Tour 2018 – Part 1
by Underwater Tales by Stefano Sibona - 4th September 2018
When my friend Giorgio Canepa told me about his idea to plan a week of dives, visiting some of the…

Mikovica Cave
by Ivana and Janez - 19th June 2018
There have been a lot of articles written about cave diving since it is arguably the most extreme type of…

The Prettiest of Worms
by Ivana and Janez - 4th April 2018
When we think of worms, these colourful, feathery, flower-like creatures are not the first things that come to mind. Their…

Mares XR – Review
by Ivana and Janez - 20th March 2018
The Mares XR1 Kevlar Dry Suit, Active Heat Vest and Extreme Undergarment have been used in a year-long ultimate endurance…

XR from the Diver’s Point of View
by Ivana and Janez - 2nd March 2018
When you look back in your logbook and see thousands of recorded dives, you may think to yourself ‘What more…

Celebes Divers, Siladen Island – Onong Resort & Kuda Laut Boutique Dive Resort
by Mares - 23rd February 2018
We're back with Celebes Divers Manado once again to find out what their other dive centers have to offer. At…

Mantas – the gentle giants of the seas
by Ivana and Janez - 7th February 2018
Manta rays – the diver's dream. Belonging to the family Mobulidae, there are two species of Manta Ray often seen…

Three freediving world records broken during weekend at the Weissensee
by Herbert - 16th January 2018
Three freediving world records broken during weekend at the WeissenseeLatest endeavour is more difficult and exciting – and all performed…

An island in the current of an endless ocean
by Franco and Sabrina - 5th January 2018
Nine islands of lava, each one different from the other; some with high coasts and fjords, inlets that seem to…

Narwhals show alarming reactions to stress
by Herbert - 21st December 2017
Human disturbances cause narwhals to freeze and escape simultaneously New insights into the effects of ocean noise and increased human…

Freediving: How water conditions influence our performance
by Gianluca - 14th November 2017
As all freedivers with a minimum of experience know, water conditions greatly influence our performance, and a depth easily reached…

Where None Have Gone Before!
by David - 8th September 2017
It's not every day that you get to dive a new site which is not only new for you, but…

Freediving: safety and fun
by Gianluca - 14th August 2017
Over the past few years, freedivers have been growing in number, and this makes me very happy. When I started…

Macro World
by Mares - 9th August 2017
When we become divers we go through different stages in our diving adventure. We start off scared/excited (nervous-cited) of what…

Freediving in the Mediterranean islands
by Gianluca - 24th July 2017
In Italy there are many small islands where practicing freediving is particularly pleasant. The islands near Sicily, the Aeolian Islands,…

Freediving in Swiss lakes with Gianluca Genoni
by Gianluca - 12th July 2017
Freediving often means exploring crystalline waters to see and discover the wonders of the ocean, but this is not always…

French Connection – A freediving course with the Mares France team
by Gianluca - 15th June 2017
A super freediving course with the Mares France team. A week spent learning more about freediving but also sharing our…

The freediving family continues to grow
by Gianluca - 1st June 2017
Another SSI Freediving Instructor course has concluded in Lerici and the freediving family continues to grow. That which was once…

Teaching freediving: a passion for fun
by Carlo - 11th May 2017
Since I started teaching freediving courses in 2004 things have changed a lot on both the national and international freediving…

Surviving Murphy’s Law to study sharks
by Hannah - 24th April 2017
Have you ever had one of those days when just about everything goes wrong? Mine started out breaking one of…

Day 6 – Earthquake underwater?
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 19th February 2017
Do you remember? Yesterday’s dive spot was great. So nice that we decided to go to the north tip of Olkohn, Kohboy,…

MT Haven (ex Amoco Milford Haven) – Ligurian Wrecks (Part II)
by Florent M. Locatelli - 12th January 2017
MT Haven, formerly Amoco Milford Haven, is a VLCC-class oil-tanker (Very Large Crude Carrier), in other words a super-tanker, built…

Unterseeboot U455 – Ligurian Wrecks (Part I)
by Florent M. Locatelli - 4th November 2016
Early in the morning, the 300 horsepower engine of the 8m superfast inflatable boat flies us over a mirror-like sea…

5 reasons to start freediving!
by Gianluca - 13th September 2016
Why should you get in to freediving? Here are 5 great reasons to try out this wonderful discipline! 1. Freediving…

Freediving Philosophy
by Gianluca - 8th September 2016
Most people who have never experienced the emotion of freediving see this discipline as a test of bravery or a…

The Privilege of Diving
by Peter - 17th August 2016
The Privilege of Diving What was your first window to the ocean like? Through mine everything was black and white, it could…