Mares goes to the Edges of Earth to transform online discourse with ocean good news
by Andi - 14th March 2024
Love it or hate it, social media is here to stay. And unfortunately, its general discourse has become harder to…

The largest animals ever to have lived on Earth!
by Franco and Sabrina - 17th December 2020
The southern coast of Sri Lanka may turn out to be one of the best international hotspots for seeing blue…

Dive into the Center of the Earth
by Ivana and Janez - 19th May 2020
I believe that Jules Verne would not be angry that I borrowed part of his title to begin the story…

The Sardine Run – The greatest show on Earth!
by Noam - 7th March 2019
Last year I fulfilled my biggest dream by witnessing one of the greatest natural events that our planet has to…

Grotta Giusti – Journey to the Center of the Earth
by Florent M. Locatelli - 3rd April 2018
“Grotta Giusti can be found in the spa resort of Monsummano Terme, originally the 19th century country home of Tuscan…

Seawater cools upper layers of earth’s crust
by Herbert - 29th November 2017
Seawater penetrates much deeper than expected How deep can seawater penetrate through cracks and fissures into the seafloor? Using a…

World Heritage Sites: Climate change threatens the most beautiful places on earth
by Herbert - 16th November 2017
Number of World Heritage sites affected by climate change almost doubles in three years According to a report published by…

Underwater landslides may be caused by distant earthquakes
by Herbert - 5th July 2017
Researchers have discovered that large earthquakes can trigger underwater landslides thousands of miles away weeks or months after the occurrence…

Day 6 – Earthquake underwater?
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 19th February 2017
Do you remember? Yesterday’s dive spot was great. So nice that we decided to go to the north tip of Olkohn, Kohboy,…

Researchers search for Earth’s oldest ice
by Mares - 21st November 2016
Ice cores show glimpse of composition of atmosphere in the pastIn Antarctic, ice and climate scientists from 14 institutions in…

Earth Overshoot Day : After 8 August 2016, humanity is in debt
by Mares - 9th August 2016
Demands on natural resources have exceeded available resources since yesterday This year, Earth Overshoot Day fell on 8 August 2016.…

Life on the Cambodian edge – Koh Ach Seh, Cambodia
by Andi - 30th April 2024
Following a grueling four-hour drive from Phnom Penh, we arrived in Kep, Cambodia. Though exhausted after our journey from Hanoi,…

Shifting Baselines – Hong Kong, Sar
by Andi - 18th April 2024
The research team had warned us upfront about the perilous diving experience ahead. One not marked by surreal encounters with…

The Ripple Effect – Negros Oriental, Philippines
by Andi - 2nd April 2024
Another day, another mission. Waking to the sound of a gong made from old kitchenware, a diverse community of dedicated…

Our Encounter with the Ocean Tigers – Fiji
by Andi - 21st March 2024
As we descended into the dark and murky waters off the Fijian coast, the weight of anticipation settled in. Immediately…

Diving with Dragons
by Alex - 15th February 2024
The northern islands of Wolf and Darwin are the most famous dive spots in Galapagos, but the highlight of my…

Galapagos – Diving Turned Up To 11
by Alex - 5th February 2024
Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands are an archipelago consisting of 13 main islands (five of which are inhabited), seven minor islands and…

The 10 most-read Mares blogs of 2023
by Mares - 28th December 2023
It's almost the end of 2023, and Mares would like to re-propose some of the most-read articles of the year from our blog...…

Hanifaru Bay: In a flying vortex
by Franco and Sabrina - 10th October 2023
Are you looking to be enveloped in a flying vortex of Mantas? Get ready, it doesn't happen often. Have you ever…

Simply the best?
by Alex - 20th March 2023
It would be a great conversation topic over dinner with diving friends: What is the world’s best diving resort? I…

Arctic Aur-Orca
by Alex - 26th December 2022
It is definitely the best snorkelling experience in Europe, and it is probably the best underwater experience too. Each winter,…

7 easy ways to be an eco-friendly diver
by Kathryn - 6th June 2022
Whether you are diving close to home or venturing overseas, there are many easy ways you can become a more…

Diving at Brijuni National Park
by Marjan Radovic - 3rd June 2022
Along the west coast of the Istrian peninsula there are several groups of islands - the largest and most interesting being…

The bearded fireworm
by Ivana and Janez - 25th October 2021
Bearded fireworm, Hermodice carunculata (Pallas, 1766) The bearded fireworm is a marine bristle worm that lives throughout the tropical coastal waters of…

How Cara Lost Her Color
by Ivana and Janez - 10th December 2020
Ivana OK: What are you by profession? I’m a marine naturalist. In a complete leap of faith, I moved to…

Dan’s Dive Destinations: Beqa Lagoon (Fiji)
by Dan - 12th October 2020
With a population of around 900,000, the stunning tropical islands of Fiji (all 332 of them) are home to the most…

Marine Guide to Long-term Relationships
by Ivana and Janez - 8th June 2020
Do you remember the term 'symbiosis' from your biology classes? To refresh your memory, these are interactions between organisms that…

Dreams 2020: A tribute to our planet by Oceans & Skies
by Robert - 1st June 2020
+ + Tribute to our Planet + + As the virus moves the world, we have been torn from our…

A unique diving experience in Tuscany
by Florent M. Locatelli - 15th January 2020
Tuscany, in central Italy, is definitely one of my favorite regions. Breathtaking landscapes, thousands of years of history, an artistic…

14 Marine Protected Areas to Dive in 2020
by LiveAboard - 22nd November 2019
Looking for a new dive destination for 2020? We’ve got you covered with 14 of the best marine protected areas…

Diving in the Mexican Cenotes
by Semra - 19th November 2019
Hello everybody and welcome to my new blog! My last blog was about 5 young Egyptian guys with the shared…

Love to swim with orcas? 12 reasons to go Arctic liveaboard diving now!
by LiveAboard - 5th November 2019
The Arctic has long been known for its outstanding wildlife watching and dramatic landscapes. It offers numerous diving opportunities, but…

Frequently Asked Questions
by Semra - 24th July 2019
Hello everybody and welcome to my new blog! In my last blog, I told you about my dive preparation routine.…

Dive in to a place of legend
by Pierre Eric - 20th May 2019
For one year now, I have been working on an incredible dive project which is not just a simple spring,…

Introducing Dan
by Dan - 16th May 2019
Kia ora! (Hello) My name is Dan and I am an underwater photographer and proud Mares Ambassador from Auckland, New…

The Islands Of Tahiti: A Whale’s Paradise
by Dan - 6th May 2019
When someone mentions Tahiti, incredible sunsets and sipping cocktails whilst relaxing on over water bungalows comes to mind. Located in…

Cave diving – My way of life
by Pierre Eric - 12th February 2019
For my first blog, I want to talk about cave diving. In fact, I think for my next blog I'll…

Dive Expedition – Mt. Treskavica Lakes
by Mares - 26th October 2018
Located thirty kilometers south of Sarajevo, the Treskavica mountain range is no doubt one of the most beautiful in Bosnia…

UJ-2208 – German navy submarine chaser – Ligurian Wrecks (Part III)
by Florent M. Locatelli - 19th September 2018
UJ-2208 (ex-Alfred) - German Navy (Kriegsmarine) submarine chaser (ex-patrol boat) (ex-trawler). Built in 1926 by the Ateliers et Chantiers de…

A New Cave Diver is Born!
by Cat - 16th April 2018
Cave diving... If you had asked me only last week about cave diving, my answer would have been very clear,…

Increasing nutrient input has implications for food webs in the Arctic Ocean
by Herbert - 13th February 2018
Scientists find surprising evidence of rapid changes in the Arctic Scientists have found surprising evidence of rapid Arctic climate change:…

Dive into the underwater world of Milford Sound
by Gerald - 22nd January 2018
We are now far at the south end of New Zealand. More specifically in the southwest, in the world of…

An island in the current of an endless ocean
by Franco and Sabrina - 5th January 2018
Nine islands of lava, each one different from the other; some with high coasts and fjords, inlets that seem to…

Hells Bells: Unique underwater stalactites in Yucatán Caves
by Herbert - 12th December 2017
Researchers study how Hells Bells was created In recent years, scientists have identified a small group of stalactites in which…

Scientists discover flexible self-healing ability in ctenophora
by Herbert - 6th December 2017
Wound healing or regeneration – the environment decides Losing a body part is almost always an irreversible situation for humans…

Storm waves from the past hold lessons for future
by Herbert - 13th November 2017
Huge boulders on coast retain clues about prehistoric storms In the Bahamas, tons of boulders have been washed onto the…

Scientists present research results on ocean acidification
by Herbert - 31st October 2017
Ocean acidification and warming affect life in the sea In November 2017, the final phase of the German research association…

Increase in melting sea ice may lead to higher food supply in Arctic
by Herbert - 26th September 2017
In the Arctic, melt ponds are formed every year when snow and sea ice melt at the end of winter.…