The Islands Of Tahiti: A Whale’s Paradise
by Dan - 6th May 2019
When someone mentions Tahiti, incredible sunsets and sipping cocktails whilst relaxing on over water bungalows comes to mind. Located in…

Mares AST Dry System Technology
by Mares - 19th April 2019
Most Mares regulators are now equipped with the new and exclusive AST system (Auto Sealing Technology) as standard. This specialised,…

What’s in my bag?
by Semra - 8th April 2019
Hello everybody and welcome to my new blog! In my last blog, I talked about my choice of diving equipment,…

by Ivana and Janez - 3rd May 2018
What’s the world’s most famous fish? Well, I think Clark’s anemonefish is. What’s that you say? Remember Nemo? Well, Nemo…

The experienced “inexperienced” diver
by Cat - 22nd March 2018
There are so many things about the diving industry that on a daily basis remind me that my career choice…

Icy Adventures
by Ivana and Janez - 9th March 2018
When you think of diving under the ice in Europe, what first comes to mind is Lake Weissensee, located in…

The Island of Santa Maria
by Franco and Sabrina - 27th February 2018
Islands in the current of an endless ocean (Part Two) Read Part 1 here Santa Maria In the Azores' archipelago,…

Algerian ecologists help with the implementation of a law for artificial reefs
by Emir - 24th February 2018
After three years of fierce activism, thanks to the mobilization of Algerian associations, and following the shooting of the film…

Greenpeace travels to unexplored parts of the Antarctic
by Herbert - 19th January 2018
Expedition to provide further arguments for the world's largest marine protected area Greenpeace will explore previously barely known regions in…

Mexico: Divers discover the biggest underwater cave-system on the planet
by Herbert - 18th January 2018
Crystal clear water & 347 kilometers in length - history included Cave divers have discovered and explored a 216 miles…

An island in the current of an endless ocean
by Franco and Sabrina - 5th January 2018
Nine islands of lava, each one different from the other; some with high coasts and fjords, inlets that seem to…

Dolphins in Red Sea tormented by tourists!
by Herbert - 7th December 2017
Tourists should not swim with dolphins Swimming with dolphins in the Red Sea endangers the survival of these marine mammals,…

Researchers are developing a new method for restoring damaged coral reefs
by Herbert - 1st December 2017
Successful breeding and application of coral larvae For the first time, researchers have accelerated the formation of new coral colonies…

Thousands of dolphins die as countries ignore EU regulations
by Herbert - 23rd November 2017
Whales and dolphins continue to perish as bycatch in fishing nets The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Organization (WDC) has examined…

World Heritage Sites: Climate change threatens the most beautiful places on earth
by Herbert - 16th November 2017
Number of World Heritage sites affected by climate change almost doubles in three years According to a report published by…

Malta: Greenpeace activists protest against marine pollution
by Herbert - 7th October 2017
Giant dragon sculpture spits plastic garbage at ‘Our Ocean 2017’ in Malta On 5 October 2017, Greenpeace activists and other…

Successes in fight against dolphin threats in South Africa
by Herbert - 27th September 2017
First shark nets dismantled After the fourth incident earlier in 2017 involving an endangered humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea) in a…

South Africa: Death of endangered humpback dolphin provokes controversy about shark nets
by Herbert - 30th August 2017
Shark nets are deadly traps for dolphins, sharks and other marine inhabitants The death of an endangered humpback dolphin (Sousa…

253 people creates world’s largest 3D bodypainting image
by Herbert - 21st August 2017
Last Saturday, a world record was set at Messe Wien (Viennese exhibition center). On 187 square meters, 253 people created…

What do whales have to do with homeopathy?
by Herbert - 18th August 2017
EU prohibits whaling, but not trade in whale productsIf we think of sperm whales, we think of Moby Dick, and…

Sea Turtle Recovery Center – Croatia
by Marjan Radovic - 7th August 2017
At the Verudela Lighthouse in Pula - Croatia, the release of sea turtles back into the wild was organized by…

Mangroves: “Forests on stilts” in dire straits
by Herbert - 26th July 2017
Half of the world's mangroves already destroyed, says WWF on World Mangrove Day Today, on World Mangrove Day (26 July…

Discovery Channel’s Shark Week finally features females
by Hannah - 21st July 2017
No doubt about it, Discovery Channel’s Shark Week gets a lot of attention with more than 2.5 million viewers in…

Deep sea mining threatens unique marine habitats
by Herbert - 3rd July 2017
Open letter: Marine researchers warn of the consequences of deep sea mining In an open letter published in the Nature…

How are whales and dolphins doing in Europe?
by Mares - 24th May 2017
New population estimates released Ten EU Member States have carried out a survey of the distribution and abundance of whales…

Vamonos à bucear
by Franco and Sabrina - 15th May 2017
The look of the Baja California Sur can appear tedious: cactus, desert, rocks, beaches and vice versa, but the underwater…

Mediterranean Great Sharks Project
by Emir - 23rd April 2017
The 'GranResearch Program', named 'GREBA', has been running since 2015 and aims to identify, label and study shark species in…

Florida manatee population likely to withstand for 100 years
by Herbert - 20th April 2017
Manatee population to slowly grow and shift northward Florida's manatee population is likely to endure for the next century, provided…

Mares supports the immersion of the first artificial reefs in Algeria
by Emir - 12th April 2017
A year ago the Probiom, an Algerian network for the protection of marine biodiversity, started an ambitious program - the…

YO-44 aka Kodiak Queen: Richard Branson to sink WWII ship that survived Pearl Harbor attack
by Herbert - 12th April 2017
Ship targetted to become artificial reef These days, weather permitting, a ship is scheduled to sink. Nothing special? In the…

Post-trip review 2 – Dive wear
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 31st March 2017
On our expedition to Lake Baikal, the XR Kevlar Dry Suit was indispensable, and ours went through at least 10…

Catching fish too expensive to eat
by Mares - 9th February 2017
WWF report: Improving fishing management imperative for global food security By 2050, millions of people in the global South (in…

Coral restoration in Bonaire
by Herbert - 13th January 2017
Engaging the diver to protect and restore reefs For several years, scientists have observed more and more instances of coral…

Moments of a lifetime caught on camera : Snorkelling side by side with the sperm whales of the eastern Caribbean Sea
by Franco and Sabrina - 29th November 2016
This post starts our contribution to the Mares blog, to which we are absolutely grateful, and our first post is about the…

Plastik-Peter warns about threats of plastic trash in oceans
by Mares - 22nd November 2016
New short film is part of efforts of Science Year 2016*2017With the “Plastik-Peter” cinema short film as part of Science…

Free-diving legend Enzo Maiorca dies at age of 85
by Herbert - 15th November 2016
A great fighter, a fine spirit On 21 June 1931, he was brought into this world in Syracuse, Sicily. Today,…

Greenpeace gathers 24,000 signatures against oil drilling in national park
by Mares - 12th November 2016
High price for just a little oil Last week, Greenpeace activists handed over 24,000 signed postcards to Dr Robert Habeck,…

World’s largest marine protected area established in Antarctica
by Herbert - 28th October 2016
Just off the southern coast of Antarctica is the Ross Sea, where the largest marine protected area (MPA) will be…

Seismic gun testing threatens world’s second largest barrier reef
by Mares - 25th October 2016
Belize begins seismic surveys at the World Natural Heritage Site of the Belize Barrier Reef In late October 2016, Belize…

New Hope Spots spell new hope for the world’s oceans
by Herbert - 15th September 2016
Fourteen new oceanic Hope Spots were jointly announced last week by Mission Blue and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of…

International Coastal Cleanup Day 2016
by Mares - 14th September 2016
Volunteers to clear trash from beaches throughout Germany On 17 September 2016, volunteers worldwide will come together to do their…

Three fishermen on trial for killing dolphins for shark bait
by Mares - 18th August 2016
Evidence against them obtained in secret Three Peruvian fishermen were tried in court on August 16th for killing dolphins and…

Underwater station and shark observer submersible go on a road trip
by Mares - 17th August 2016
Marine artefacts on loan to Munster for a year Two large marine artefacts from the Stralsunder Nautineum are on their…

Earth Overshoot Day : After 8 August 2016, humanity is in debt
by Mares - 9th August 2016
Demands on natural resources have exceeded available resources since yesterday This year, Earth Overshoot Day fell on 8 August 2016.…

Fishes find sanctuary
by Mares - 4th August 2016
Larger MPA established based on the movement of fishermen's favoured fish species Beneath the waves of Palikir Pass (or P-Pass)…

Overfishing causes collapse of cod fisheries in Baltic Sea
by Mares - 15th July 2016
Scientists suggest revision of maximum catch quotas Cod is the great predator of the Baltic Sea and the main fish…

Offspring for rare Mekong dolphins in Cambodia
by Herbert - 7th July 2016
New hope for Mekong River's dolphinsNewly born calf spotted with mother: Break out the cigars and champagne: A young dolphin…

Great White Shark Tagging
by Marcel - 5th July 2016
Finning, bycatch in commercial fishing, over fishing, sport fishing, contamination, pollution and targeted killing let the shark populations rapidly sink…