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Von Killerwalen und Primaten – Teil 2

by Peter - 25th February 2019
...oder wie man vom Warmduscher zum Eistaucher wird. Teil 2 Plötzlich war dann wieder Ruhe und die Orcas verliessen die…

Von Killerwalen und Primaten – Teil1

by Peter - 18th February 2019
... oder wie man vom Warmdusche zum Eistauchern wird. Buckelwale in Tahiti, bei 28°C Wassertemperatur, das war bisher meine Welt.…

Understanding your Extended Range equipment

by Cat - 6th February 2019
Choosing the right equipment for Extended Range diving is an essential element to ensuring enjoyable, safe diving experiences. All divers…

My First Encounter with a Dugong

by Semra - 15th January 2019
Hello everybody and Happy New Year! Welcome to my latest blog! In my last blog I wrote about the 10…

The Green Jungle of the Yucatan Cenotes – Mystical Underground Rivers

by Damir - 30th November 2018
There are places on the planet where gods still dwell and there are other places where they used to dwell.…
Ivana and Janez

Fortunal – A beauty of a wreck dive!

by Ivana and Janez - 31st October 2018
When the fishing ship was given the name Fortunal, the owner had no idea it would be a bad omen.…

Mares Interviews: Underwater Photographers Ivana Orlovic Kranjc and Janez Kranjc!

by Mares - 18th October 2018
Recently we caught up with photographers and Mares ambassadors Ivana Orlovic Kranjc and Janez Kranjc. They have been representing and…
Ivana and Janez

The Wrecks of Karaburun

by Ivana and Janez - 15th June 2018
The small town of Karaburun is located in northwest Turkey, 650km away from Istanbul. What used to be a fishing…

Dive into the underwater world of Milford Sound

by Gerald - 22nd January 2018
We are now far at the south end of New Zealand. More specifically in the southwest, in the world of…

Greenpeace travels to unexplored parts of the Antarctic

by Herbert - 19th January 2018
Expedition to provide further arguments for the world's largest marine protected area Greenpeace will explore previously barely known regions in…

Mexico: Divers discover the biggest underwater cave-system on the planet

by Herbert - 18th January 2018
Crystal clear water & 347 kilometers in length - history included Cave divers have discovered and explored a 216 miles…

Cuttlefish: underestimated players in the ocean

by Herbert - 9th January 2018
Squids play an important role in the food web and in the carbon cycle Squid are marine creatures with fascinating…

115 previously unknown species discovered in the Mekong

by Herbert - 8th January 2018
Something new in the East! A crocodile lizard, a snail-eating turtle, and a bat that looks like a character from…

Alec Blalock and his “sunken tree treasures”

by Herbert - 20th December 2017
Rough shell, hard core How do you describe a man who is so multi-faceted and so full of stories that…

Hells Bells: Unique underwater stalactites in Yucatán Caves

by Herbert - 12th December 2017
Researchers study how Hells Bells was created In recent years, scientists have identified a small group of stalactites in which…

EU project Nunataryuk investigates effects of permafrost thaw

by Herbert - 27th November 2017
Fragile Arctic environment threatened by retreating permafrost Permafrost makes up a quarter of the land mass in the Northern Hemisphere.…

Thousands of dolphins die as countries ignore EU regulations

by Herbert - 23rd November 2017
Whales and dolphins continue to perish as bycatch in fishing nets The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Organization (WDC) has examined…

Bronze Palm at the World Festival of Underwater Images for Algerian documentary ‘The Houses of the Sea’

by Emir - 15th November 2017
The Algerian documentary film The Houses of the Sea by Hamza Mendil, won the Bronze Palm on Saturday night in…

Blue Dolphin of Malta International Underwater Competition

by Herbert - 14th November 2017
12th Edition of the prestigious competition held in Gozo The 12th Edition of the Blue Dolphin of Malta International Underwater…

A Sea of Opportunities at DEMA 2017

by Hannah - 8th November 2017
The Dive Equipment Manufacturing Association’s annual four-day, industry-only trade show just wrapped up in Orlando, Florida. With attendance of more…

Bluefin tuna return to North Sea

by Herbert - 2nd October 2017
Researchers tag fish with satellite trackers After an absence of more than 50 years, the endangered bluefin tuna has returned…

Researchers measure unusually high oxygen uptake in the Labrador Sea

by Herbert - 13th September 2017
Ocean taking a deep breath? Stormy, rough and very cold: these characteristics of the Labrador Sea may initially seem uncomfortable,…

9th Rebreather Reunion Hemmoor Germany

by Herbert - 4th September 2017
Meeting took place on 25 to 27 August 2017 On August 25th to 27th, the ninth "Rebreather Reunion Hemmoor Germany"…

Arctic: AWI underwater robot Tramper successfully recovered

by Herbert - 31st August 2017
Almost 60 weeks of measurements of oxygen content at the bottom of the deep sea obtained On 27 August 2017,…

‘Expect the unexpected’ – Underwater archaeological research around the island of Mozia, Sicily

by BGfU - 22nd August 2017
In July 2017, scientific divers of the Bavarian Society for Underwaterarchaeology (BGfU) and the Philipps University Marburg were invited by…

Underwater robot “TRAMPER” to surface after a year in the Arctic deep sea

by Herbert - 22nd August 2017
Helmholtz Alliance ROBEX tested innovative technologies on expedition On Tuesday, August 22nd, the research vessel Polarstern will set off on…

Plane sunk in Lake Hemmoor

by Herbert - 15th August 2017
Piper Aerostar is new attraction At 15:45 last Friday, a brand new twin-motor Piper PA-60 Aerostar plane plunged into the…

Freediving: safety and fun

by Gianluca - 14th August 2017
Over the past few years, freedivers have been growing in number, and this makes me very happy. When I started…

3-D Underwater Imaging

by Herbert - 1st August 2017
New age imaging system brings 3-D perspective to underwater sites A revolutionary new multi-function, underwater imaging system has been developed…
Franco and Sabrina

Fun, tech diving, photo pro, friends … what else?

by Franco and Sabrina - 25th July 2017
All over Croatia the sea is crystal clear with millions of shades, promising and seductive. It embraces a strip of…

Underwater Archaeological Exploration

by BGfU - 10th July 2017
The underwater archaeological exploration of a late roman shipwreck on the coast of the Istrian peninsula as part of a…

Underwater landslides may be caused by distant earthquakes

by Herbert - 5th July 2017
Researchers have discovered that large earthquakes can trigger underwater landslides thousands of miles away weeks or months after the occurrence…

Glacial retreat accelerated by meltwater lakes under Antarctic Ice Sheet

by Herbert - 4th July 2017
During the last glacial period, the ice in the Antarctic was thicker and extended farther offshore than it does today.…

Deep sea mining threatens unique marine habitats

by Herbert - 3rd July 2017
Open letter: Marine researchers warn of the consequences of deep sea mining In an open letter published in the Nature…

Future opportunities for coral reefs

by Herbert - 8th June 2017
In spite of global warming, reefs could change but remain the same Although the world’s coral reefs are under threat,…

Taking the plunge underwater… and underground

by Herbert - 22nd May 2017
Diving into the flooded tunnels of Schieferbergwerk Nuttlar in Sauerland is not for the faint-hearted. After crossing the yellow container…

A Playground in the Indian Ocean

by Gerald - 8th May 2017
Asia has always been my favourite region for travelling and diving. My first visit to Thailand was to Phuket in 1989.…

Kiel Fjord as training ground for mussels

by Mares - 4th May 2017
Genetic adaptation likely to have occurred over many generations Mussels from the Kiel Fjord were discovered to be able to…

Under the Wave

by Denis - 5th April 2017
Underwater shooting: "Under the Wave" Aloha Production and Players Paris (Starloo) produced a short film in partnership with Tagheuer in…

Japan kills 333 whales in annual hunt

by Herbert - 1st April 2017
Whales supposedly killed for "research" purposes After four months at sea, the Japanese whaling fleet has returned from its controversial…

Hello MARES Community

by Morgan - 28th February 2017
Hello MARES community, My name is Morgan Bourc'his, and I am a professional freediver (competitor, instructor, lecturer and brand ambassador).…
MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team

Day 8 – The last walk under the ice

by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 21st February 2017
This morning we woke up with a smile in our faces since we knew it would be a fantastic day,…
MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team

Day 7 – rEvo Rebreather and recreational dive equipment under the Ice

by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 20th February 2017
All team members are getting used to the schedule: 7:30am meeting and packing up the equipment – 8:00am breakfast – 8:30am loading the…
MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team

Day 6 – Earthquake underwater?

by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 19th February 2017
Do you remember? Yesterday’s dive spot was great. So nice that we decided to go to the north tip of Olkohn, Kohboy,…

Elevated carbon dioxide levels impairs cone snails’ hunting skills

by Mares - 7th February 2017
Cone Snails become hyperactive and “meandered around” Cone snails are expected to find it hard to catch their prey if…

Sounds of the ocean

by Herbert - 2nd February 2017
Findings on background sounds in Southern Ocean published For nearly three years, using underwater recording devices, scientists have been listening…

Taking the plunge at Christmas Island

by Herbert - 30th December 2016
Meeting whale sharks instead of Santa ClausOnce upon a time, there was an island, remote and distant from the rest…

Map of seafloor shows new details about 2015 eruption at Axial Seamount

by Mares - 29th December 2016
The Axial Seamount, an underwater volcano about 470 kilometres off the Oregon coast, is one of the world's most active…