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Franco and Sabrina

Moments of a lifetime caught on camera : Snorkelling side by side with the sperm whales of the eastern Caribbean Sea

by Franco and Sabrina - 29th November 2016
This post starts our contribution to the Mares blog, to which we are absolutely grateful, and our first post is about the…
Ivana and Janez

Working Together

by Ivana and Janez - 28th March 2019
Being a brand ambassador brings with it a lot of beautiful things. You have the chance to be among the…

Florida manatee population likely to withstand for 100 years

by Herbert - 20th April 2017
Manatee population to slowly grow and shift northward Florida's manatee population is likely to endure for the next century, provided…

The Last of the Summer in the Red Sea

by Alex - 25th January 2022
The Red Sea is always sunny, but by the time I visited, as November gave way to December, the endless…

Travel tips with a rEvo rebreather or Horizon SCR

by ivan - 17th July 2023
Traveling with diving equipment has always been a calling for divers. With airlines tightening luggage restrictions, packing for a dive…

Open Ocean Research

by Submaris - 10th April 2018
The Big Blue! Finally! After three days of travelling via plane, a short delay of one day due to carnival,…
Ivana and Janez

Mantas – the gentle giants of the seas

by Ivana and Janez - 7th February 2018
Manta rays – the diver's dream. Belonging to the family Mobulidae, there are two species of Manta Ray often seen…

Humpback whale spotted in Bay of Greifswald

by Herbert - 2nd August 2016
Public requested to report sightings to German Oceanographic Museum On the mornings of July 27th and 28th, a whale was…
Ivana and Janez

Mikovica Cave

by Ivana and Janez - 19th June 2018
There have been a lot of articles written about cave diving since it is arguably the most extreme type of…

Be A Hero – Think Green

by Damir - 14th July 2020
Think Green is an environmental diving project launched by the 'Roniti se mora' Diving Club immediately after it was founded…

What’s in my bag?

by Semra - 8th April 2019
Hello everybody and welcome to my new blog! In my last blog, I talked about my choice of diving equipment,…

The Mares Christmas Calendar Competition

by Mares - 1st December 2016
Head over to Mares' Facebook page from the 1st - 24th December to win some great Mares diving prizes!Once again…

Breath hold: Relaqua the idea of relaxation in the water

by Nik - 5th February 2020
There are people who dive hundreds of feet, deep and over ten minutes with just one breath. Nik Linder is…

Dive Expedition – Mt. Treskavica Lakes

by Mares - 26th October 2018
Located thirty kilometers south of Sarajevo, the Treskavica mountain range is no doubt one of the most beautiful in Bosnia…

Lembeh Blackwater

by Alex - 13th June 2023
The Lembeh Strait is famous for its critter-filled muck diving, but in recent years it has become increasing well known…

Five countries responsible for 60 percent of plastic waste in oceans

by Mares - 2nd November 2015
About eight million tons of plastic trash enter the world’s oceans every year. According to a new study entitled Stemming…

Wave-Glider: Keeping track of marine research in real time

by Mares - 3rd March 2017
Online portal for Wave Glider missions launchedWave Glider missions can now be viewed online – and they are live. Operated…

Von Killerwalen und Primaten – Teil1

by Peter - 18th February 2019
... oder wie man vom Warmdusche zum Eistauchern wird. Buckelwale in Tahiti, bei 28°C Wassertemperatur, das war bisher meine Welt.…

Overfishing causes collapse of cod fisheries in Baltic Sea

by Mares - 15th July 2016
Scientists suggest revision of maximum catch quotas Cod is the great predator of the Baltic Sea and the main fish…

Taking the plunge at Christmas Island

by Herbert - 30th December 2016
Meeting whale sharks instead of Santa ClausOnce upon a time, there was an island, remote and distant from the rest…

NABU Cruise Rankings 2016 : Cruise ships fall short in environmental protection

by Mares - 1st September 2016
People living in the Mediterranean will suffer as a result Based on the NABU Cruise Rankings 2016, all European cruise…

Black Sea mapping expedition uncovers more than 40 shipwrecks

by Herbert - 18th October 2016
Largest expedition of this kind in Black SeaAn international expedition mapping the submerged ancient landscapes at the Bulgarian coast of…

Coral Bleaching: Reefs suffer equally from El Niño and La Niña

by Herbert - 8th November 2017
Researchers study effects of coral bleaching on Western Australia's reefs Researchers from the University of Western Australia (UWA), the ARC…

Freediving Under Ice

by Nik - 31st March 2022
Freediving under ice can be very demanding, but at the same time it is the perfect challenge in order to…

Dive mask dos and don’ts

by Mares - 16th August 2023
Discover our top tips for dive mask maintenance! DO: Be patient and use dedicated antifog gels - it will be…
Underwater Tales by Stefano Sibona

XR Wreck Tour 2018 – Part 1

by Underwater Tales by Stefano Sibona - 4th September 2018
When my friend Giorgio Canepa told me about his idea to plan a week of dives, visiting some of the…

Becoming a freedive instructor

by Dan - 1st April 2020
Freediving is an amazing feeling, some say that it's as close as you can get to flying, some liken it…

Sardinia with family & friends

by Alex - 27th September 2021
This summer we were lucky to escape to Sardinia for a family holiday. Fortunately for me, my wife Eleonora is…

Unique Mares Photog Party, Micronesia

by b_rad - 8th July 2016
MantaFest is an annual international photography festival held in Yap at Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers that is known for being…
Underwater Tales by Stefano Sibona

Diving at the Lighthouse, Portofino, Italy

by Underwater Tales by Stefano Sibona - 16th May 2018
"The lighthouse point in Portofino is one of the most suggestive sites of the promontory. A unique, spectacular environment and…

Frequently Asked Questions

by Semra - 24th July 2019
Hello everybody and welcome to my new blog! In my last blog, I told you about my dive preparation routine.…
Ivana and Janez

Picasso’s muse?

by Ivana and Janez - 25th January 2019
We learn something new every day. Recently I discovered that the beautiful triggerfish is also known as the Picassofish, the…
Franco and Sabrina

An island in the current of an endless ocean

by Franco and Sabrina - 5th January 2018
Nine islands of lava, each one different from the other; some with high coasts and fjords, inlets that seem to…

Ocean acidification causes coralline algae to adjust internal chemistry

by Herbert - 25th April 2017
Some species show higher tolerance than others For the first time, a new study has revealed that coralline algae, which…

253 people creates world’s largest 3D bodypainting image

by Herbert - 21st August 2017
Last Saturday, a world record was set at Messe Wien (Viennese exhibition center). On 187 square meters, 253 people created…
Ivana and Janez

Most loved marine mammals

by Ivana and Janez - 15th January 2021
Everyone loves dolphins, and it is probably the dream of most divers to dive with dolphins, the most loved cetaceans.…

Sea Lions – Los Islotes

by Damir - 2nd January 2018
Los Islotes island is located just 25 miles, or just over an hour’s boat ride, from La Paz. The ride…

Hello! Meet Mares Ambassador Alex Mustard

by Alex - 20th July 2021
Hi! I’m Alex and I’m new to the Mares team. Of course, I’m not new to diving, or to Mares…
Ivana and Janez

Blackwater Night Dive

by Ivana and Janez - 24th January 2018
To most divers, a night dive is their favourite kind of dive. Everything becomes pacified at night. The lamps we…
Ivana and Janez

The Lions of the Ocean

by Ivana and Janez - 1st December 2017
Lionfish (Pterois spp) are represented by 12 very closely related species. These majestic and amazing looking fish are among underwater…

Whale Memories

by Dan - 19th August 2021
About this time every year, humpback whales travel from Antarctica to the warm waters of the Pacific to calve. Sadly,…

WWF salvages discarded ghost nets in Baltic Sea

by Mares - 1st August 2016
Divers can help by reporting location of ghost netsIt was a successful start to the campaign: A big trawl net…

Maldives Underwater Initiative

by Mares - 4th October 2021
The Maldives is world famous for its picturesque turquoise waters, white sandy beaches, and rainbow reefs. A vast underwater mountain…

Liveaboard must-haves!

by Mares - 7th September 2023
Have you ever been on a liveaboard dive trip? Check out our top-tips for liveaboard holiday must-haves! Lightweight travel items…
Ivana and Janez

Choosing the right equipment for a diving instructor

by Ivana and Janez - 6th June 2023
Hi, I’m Yaiza Sanchez, a Spanish diving instructor based in Koh Tao, Thailand, working for Koh Tao divers, an SSI diving…

A Great Adventure in Lebanon

by Yme - 2nd August 2016
I wake up at 7.30am because of the wind that’s blowing like a storm. Outside it’s raining and the temperature is around…

Irrawaddy dolphins “functionally extinct” in Laos

by Mares - 1st November 2016
No hope left for the remaining dolphinsThe Irrawaddy dolphin has lost the battle for survival in Laos. The WWF declared…

Climate change modifies ocean currents

by Mares - 1st July 2016
Asia to get warmer and stormier Global warming is causing a change in some ocean currents. Scientists have shown that…