An Interview with Freediver Nik Linder
by Ivana and Janez - 15th November 2019
Nik Linder: My name is Nikolay ‘Nik’ Linder. I live in the very south of Germany, close to France and…

Love to swim with orcas? 12 reasons to go Arctic liveaboard diving now!
by LiveAboard - 5th November 2019
The Arctic has long been known for its outstanding wildlife watching and dramatic landscapes. It offers numerous diving opportunities, but…

In the heart of Dalmatia
by Ivana and Janez - 24th September 2019
The region of Dalmatia is located on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea, stretching from Rab in the north…

Yoga – Sailing – Diving in Turkey
by Ivana and Janez - 10th September 2019
As a Mares Ambassador and model, I received an invitation from a great Turkish photographer, Murat, and ship owner, Ahmet…

Een zeer harig fotomodel!
by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 7th September 2019
Jaren stond het al op mijn bucketlist. Een honden shoot in en vooral onderwater. Vandaag was het zover! Na een…

Campi estivi in Apnea con Mares – Dal 22 luglio al 2 agosto 2019!
by Carlo - 30th July 2019
Si terranno presso l’Ostello Emiliani, una meravigliosa location fronte mare a Nervi (Liguria), i Campi Estivi in Apnea per ragazzi…

Valdés – Patagonien, Argentinien
by Robert - 3rd July 2019
>> VIDEO << Das UNESCO-Welterbe mit kargen Landschaften und blühendem Leben Die argentinische Halbinsel Valdés liegt direkt am Atlantik in…

Introducing Dan
by Dan - 16th May 2019
Kia ora! (Hello) My name is Dan and I am an underwater photographer and proud Mares Ambassador from Auckland, New…

The Islands Of Tahiti: A Whale’s Paradise
by Dan - 6th May 2019
When someone mentions Tahiti, incredible sunsets and sipping cocktails whilst relaxing on over water bungalows comes to mind. Located in…

XIV° Trofeo di Apnea con Gianluca Genoni – 14 Aprile 2019
by Gianluca - 5th April 2019
Anche quest’anno Gianluca Genoni e SSI scendono in campo per organizzare un evento agonistico aperto a tutti gli appassionati della…

My choice of diving equipment
by Semra - 11th March 2019
Hello everybody and welcome to my new blog! In my last blog, I talked about my first dive encounter with…

The Sardine Run – The greatest show on Earth!
by Noam - 7th March 2019
Last year I fulfilled my biggest dream by witnessing one of the greatest natural events that our planet has to…

Swimming with Crocodiles
by Boaz - 4th March 2019
I can still remember the first time I went in the water with a crocodile. Feelings were intense as I…

Von Killerwalen und Primaten – Teil 2
by Peter - 25th February 2019
...oder wie man vom Warmduscher zum Eistaucher wird. Teil 2 Plötzlich war dann wieder Ruhe und die Orcas verliessen die…

Von Killerwalen und Primaten – Teil1
by Peter - 18th February 2019
... oder wie man vom Warmdusche zum Eistauchern wird. Buckelwale in Tahiti, bei 28°C Wassertemperatur, das war bisher meine Welt.…

70 years of Mares!
by Mares - 21st January 2019
Mares is turning 70 this year! Who knows whether our founder Ludovico Mares could have ever dreamed that 70 years…

New Guiness World Record for Marina Kazankova and Dmitrij Malasenko!
by Mares - 11th January 2019
The Guinness World Record Attempt for the Longest Underwater Dance whilst freediving was a success at the deepest pool in…

De dolfijnen van Sataya reef
by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 9th January 2019
Diep in de Rode Zee, ver weg van alle beschaving, doemt dit azuurblauwe rif op. Het lijkt wel op een…

Guinness World Record attempt from Marina Kazankova!
by Mares - 17th December 2018
Mares ambassador Marina Kazankova and Dmitrijs Malasenko will be attempting a world record at the Y-40 pool on the 29th…

Deep Training Camp – Dahab, Egypt 2018
by Carlo - 12th December 2018
In Dahab, Egypt, from the 3 - 7 December 2018, the ‘Deep Training Camp’ took place organised by Mares ambassador…

Deep Training Camp – Dahab, Egitto 2018
by Carlo - 12th December 2018
Si è svolto a Dahab dal 3 al 7 dicembre il “Deep Training Camp” organizzato dal Mares Ambassador Miguel Lozano…

Mermaids? Are they real?
by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 27th September 2018
Are mermaids real? In the olden days, sailors believed in magical, magnificent creatures which they called 'mermaids'. Now we suspect…

Discovering Puglia
by Carlo - 10th August 2018
You don’t need to go far to find hospitality, lovely sea and a specialized freediving center. Heading down to south-east…

Alla scoperta della Puglia
by Carlo - 10th August 2018
Non c’è bisogno di volare lontano per trovare ospitalità, un bel mare ed un centro specializzato per l’Apnea. Scendendo verso…

The Road to Vertical Blue 2018
by Samo - 18th July 2018
Vertical Blue is one of the best depth freediving competitions in the world which takes place in Dean's Blue Hole…

My Mares equipment – Introducing Noam Kortler
by Noam - 27th April 2018
As a beginner diver who had just finished his Open Water course (back in 1995) my first set of equipment…

Open Ocean Research
by Submaris - 10th April 2018
The Big Blue! Finally! After three days of travelling via plane, a short delay of one day due to carnival,…

The Island of Santa Maria
by Franco and Sabrina - 27th February 2018
Islands in the current of an endless ocean (Part Two) Read Part 1 here Santa Maria In the Azores' archipelago,…

An island in the current of an endless ocean
by Franco and Sabrina - 5th January 2018
Nine islands of lava, each one different from the other; some with high coasts and fjords, inlets that seem to…

The treasures of the submerged archaeological park of Baia
by Franco and Sabrina - 10th November 2017
Can you believe that is possible to freedive and scuba dive side by side with a grouper or an octopus,…

Back to Guadalupe Island
by Fred Buyle - 30th October 2017
Guadalupe Island is a very special place to me, of course we all know the place for its large population…

Blue Shark Tagging in the Azores
by Fred Buyle - 30th August 2017
Every year since 2005 I have been helping marine biologists do their fieldwork using my freediving skills. During the summer,…

Bahama Mamas – the Tiger Sharks of the Bahamas
by Gerald - 11th August 2017
Shark diving is probably one of the things almost every diver wants to do at least once in his life.…

The Fourth Walensee Apnea Festival: 5th – 6th August 2017
by Rene Trost - 10th August 2017
Sincere thanks to all participants, to our sponsor's Mares, SSI, Davosa, ChrisBenz, Ivana Orlović, Samo Jeranko and Neza. The special…

Revolution Watches Ice Diving Tudor
by Morgan - 22nd April 2017
Hello Mares Community, I would like to share with all of you the final article in Revolution Watches Magazine about…

The Scuba Diver Girls meet some curious seals!
by Scuba Diver Girls - 14th April 2017
“What is that?!” I gasped as I felt something tug my fin. I glanced over at Stephanie who was on…

The Gianluca Genoni Trophy: not just performance!
by Carlo - 11th April 2017
On Sunday the 9th of April 2017, the Gianluca Genoni Trophy was held in Mortara Swimming Pool, valid also for…

Under the Wave
by Denis - 5th April 2017
Underwater shooting: "Under the Wave" Aloha Production and Players Paris (Starloo) produced a short film in partnership with Tagheuer in…

Hello MARES Community
by Morgan - 28th February 2017
Hello MARES community, My name is Morgan Bourc'his, and I am a professional freediver (competitor, instructor, lecturer and brand ambassador).…

Inspired by experience – A new team of experts is born!
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 10th January 2017
'Nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come' - This quote from Victor Hugo could have been the spark for founding the MARES SSI…

Taking the plunge at Christmas Island
by Herbert - 30th December 2016
Meeting whale sharks instead of Santa ClausOnce upon a time, there was an island, remote and distant from the rest…

Moments of a lifetime caught on camera : Snorkelling side by side with the sperm whales of the eastern Caribbean Sea
by Franco and Sabrina - 29th November 2016
This post starts our contribution to the Mares blog, to which we are absolutely grateful, and our first post is about the…

A goodbye to Enzo Maiorca from Gianluca Genoni
by Gianluca - 21st November 2016
Dear Enzo, As you well know, under certain circumstances I don’t particularly like to say anything, it’s too easy to…

Free-diving legend Enzo Maiorca dies at age of 85
by Herbert - 15th November 2016
A great fighter, a fine spirit On 21 June 1931, he was brought into this world in Syracuse, Sicily. Today,…

Artificial Blue Holes
by Gianluca - 28th October 2016
Until recently, deep freedive training during colder seasons in a swimming pool was impossible, but this is no longer the…

Blue Holes – the freediver’s paradise
by Gianluca - 25th October 2016
Blue holes are chasms which fall into deep abysses, some of which are very close to the coast, and they…

The greatest ocean safari on the planet!
by Morne Hardenberg - 19th October 2016
Every year, over the months of June/July, we spend 40 days on South Africa's "Wild Coast" waiting for the mass…

Announcement: Check out Mares’ brand new website!
by Mares - 14th October 2016
Following the creation of our blog, we are excited to announce the creation of Mares’ new website! Take a look…