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Love to swim with orcas? 12 reasons to go Arctic liveaboard diving now!

by LiveAboard - 5th November 2019
The Arctic has long been known for its outstanding wildlife watching and dramatic landscapes. It offers numerous diving opportunities, but…

Mares Fins: The Channel Thrust System

by Mares - 1st November 2019
Originally, all fins were made from rubber, an excellent material; however, it had notable technical and technological limits that did…
Ivana and Janez

A teenager tries scuba diving

by Ivana and Janez - 8th October 2019
This summer I had one of the greatest adventures of my life! I went to a SCUBA diving camp and…
Ivana and Janez


by Ivana and Janez - 17th September 2019
Why so blue, Jack? Jackfish, also known as Bluefin trevally or blue jack, are one of the most common fish…
Marjan Radovic

Freediving – Marjan Radovic photographs Tijana Nikolic

by Marjan Radovic - 4th September 2019
Freediving is an activity as old as humanity itself. More than any other sport, freediving is based on subconscious reflexes…
Underwater Tales by Stefano Sibona

Diving at Secca Carega, Portofino, Italy

by Underwater Tales by Stefano Sibona - 16th August 2019
Secca Carega is the second shoal found in the Protected Marine Area of Portofino and still represents one of the…
Ivana and Janez

The EOS 10R – Power in a small package

by Ivana and Janez - 6th August 2019
The EOS 10R is the most compact, handy torch made by Mares and, thanks to all its features, it can…
Ivana and Janez

Professionals in Paradise

by Ivana and Janez - 17th July 2019
What diver doesn’t dream of diving in the Maldives? And what scuba instructor doesn’t dream of working there? This one…

‘All Metal Technology’ – Tecnologia Tutto Metallo

by Mares - 11th July 2019
La Mares, da sempre, ha, nella sua linea di erogatori, dei modelli caratterizzati dalla “All Metal Technology”, ovvero “Tecnologia Tutto…

Mares All Metal Technology

by Mares - 10th July 2019
Mares has always had models characterized by ‘All Metal Technology’ in its regulator line. These regulators have metal second stages…

Valdés – Patagonien, Argentinien

by Robert - 3rd July 2019
>> VIDEO << Das UNESCO-Welterbe mit kargen Landschaften und blühendem Leben Die argentinische Halbinsel Valdés liegt direkt am Atlantik in…
Fred Buyle

Mauritius Freediving

by Fred Buyle - 10th May 2019
In April, Orca Diving Center organized a two-week freediving event in Mauritius, bringing together freedivers for exploration and technical workshops.…

The Islands Of Tahiti: A Whale’s Paradise

by Dan - 6th May 2019
When someone mentions Tahiti, incredible sunsets and sipping cocktails whilst relaxing on over water bungalows comes to mind. Located in…

La tecnologia AST di Mares

by Mares - 19th April 2019
La maggior parte degli erogatori Mares sono oggi forniti di serie con il nuovissimo ed esclusivo sistema AST (Auto Sealing…

Mares AST Dry System Technology

by Mares - 19th April 2019
Most Mares regulators are now equipped with the new and exclusive AST system (Auto Sealing Technology) as standard. This specialised,…

Azoren – im Reich der Wale

by Robert - 25th March 2019
Die einzigartige Lage der Azoren in einer Übergangszone zwischen den kalten, nährstoffreichen Strömungen aus dem Norden und dem warmen Golfstrom…

The Azores – In the realm of the whales

by Robert - 25th March 2019
The unique location of the Azores, in a transition zone between the cold, nutrient-rich currents from the north and the…

La tecnologia Twin Power, ADJ e PAD

by Mares - 21st March 2019
Al giorno d’oggi, anche grazie ai molti sub che si dedicano ad immersioni tecniche, c’è una richiesta sempre più pressante…
Ivana and Janez

Appearances can be very deceiving! The Mantis shrimp…

by Ivana and Janez - 18th March 2019
I have always thought that Mantis shrimp are one of the most beautiful creatures you can find and photograph in…

Orca Freediving Academy

by Nik - 1st March 2019
ORCA Freediving Academy - Das Mares Test Center DIE KOOPERATION DER ORCA-DIVECLUBS, MARES UND NIK LINDER Die ORCA Diveclubs sind…

La tecnologia VAD di Mares

by Mares - 27th February 2019
Gli erogatori Mares sono caratterizzati dalla tecnologia VAD, Vortex Assisted Design. Questo rivoluzionario sistema di erogazione, brevettato, si basa sull’”…

Von Killerwalen und Primaten – Teil 2

by Peter - 25th February 2019
...oder wie man vom Warmduscher zum Eistaucher wird. Teil 2 Plötzlich war dann wieder Ruhe und die Orcas verliessen die…

Von Killerwalen und Primaten – Teil1

by Peter - 18th February 2019
... oder wie man vom Warmdusche zum Eistauchern wird. Buckelwale in Tahiti, bei 28°C Wassertemperatur, das war bisher meine Welt.…
Ivana and Janez

Picasso’s muse?

by Ivana and Janez - 25th January 2019
We learn something new every day. Recently I discovered that the beautiful triggerfish is also known as the Picassofish, the…

70 years of Mares!

by Mares - 21st January 2019
Mares is turning 70 this year! Who knows whether our founder Ludovico Mares could have ever dreamed that 70 years…
Ivana and Janez

My experience diving with the Flexa wetsuit!

by Ivana and Janez - 1st January 2019
Diving has become my obsession and great passion! Five years ago, when I first touched the underwater world, I knew…

History has been made with the Maldives National Defence Force

by Cat - 20th December 2018
During our lifetime, if we are lucky, we get the privilege of being part of certain events that will change…

Guinness World Record attempt from Marina Kazankova!

by Mares - 17th December 2018
Mares ambassador Marina Kazankova and Dmitrijs Malasenko will be attempting a world record at the Y-40 pool on the 29th…
Ivana and Janez

Trumpetfish – The forgotten cousins of seahorses

by Ivana and Janez - 6th December 2018
There are only three species of trumpetfish in the world (discovered so far anyway): the Chinese trumpetfish (Aulostomus chinensis), the…

The Green Jungle of the Yucatan Cenotes – Mystical Underground Rivers

by Damir - 30th November 2018
There are places on the planet where gods still dwell and there are other places where they used to dwell.…

Bailando con Tiburones – Karlos Simón

by karlos - 17th November 2018
Después de interactuar con tiburones tigre durante mi record de permanencia de 12 horas sin salir del agua en Bahamas…
Ivana and Janez

Freshwater vs marine diving

by Ivana and Janez - 13th November 2018
For more information on Marine Ecology, check out our friends at SSI! Most of us dive in a marine environment…
Ivana and Janez

Cruisers vs Boka Kotorska Bay

by Ivana and Janez - 10th October 2018
An interview with Dr. Vesna Macic, Marine Biologist Sailing on big cruisers is becoming very popular as a means of…

Atemlose Momente – Weisse Haie, Guadalupe, August 2018

by Robert - 29th August 2018
MARES - WIRODIVE - NAUTILUS LIVEABOARDS Fotos von unserer Reise Auf der DEMA 2017 sagte ich zu Mike Lever, dem…

The Road to Vertical Blue 2018

by Samo - 18th July 2018
Vertical Blue is one of the best depth freediving competitions in the world which takes place in Dean's Blue Hole…
Underwater Tales by Stefano Sibona

Mares XR Active Heat Vest

by Underwater Tales by Stefano Sibona - 26th June 2018
Rapallo, May 2018 My new rEvo rebreather is ready for use. Yme, my instructor, has just finished the first lesson…

Master Liveaboards turn to Mares XR

by Cat - 4th June 2018
When only the best equipment will do - Mares XR, now available in Micronesia In order for a business to…
Ivana and Janez

A ship’s fate: The demise of Dague

by Ivana and Janez - 23rd May 2018
On the cold night of February 24th 1915, French destroyer Dague was anchored outside the port of Bar, assigned to…

The 3rd Mares UWPM Cup

by Mares - 17th May 2018
From the 11th – 13th of May 2018, the south-western waters around the island of Krk became the venue of…

Aly Yalaoui Tribute

by Emir - 14th May 2018
Aly Yalaoui, for those who knew him, was the leader of technical diving in Algeria, the deepest diving Algerian, a…
Ivana and Janez


by Ivana and Janez - 3rd May 2018
What’s the world’s most famous fish? Well, I think Clark’s anemonefish is. What’s that you say? Remember Nemo? Well, Nemo…

Testing the new EOS Strobe diving light!

by Mares - 17th April 2018
Aldo Ferrucci and his team used the Mares EOS Strobe recently for a series of deep dives (from 95m -…

A New Cave Diver is Born!

by Cat - 16th April 2018
Cave diving... If you had asked me only last week about cave diving, my answer would have been very clear,…

“Shark Splits” Photography Workshop in Yap, Micronesia

by b_rad - 13th April 2018
MantaFest photography workshop & image festival is going on it’s 11th year and ever-evolving with new advanced workshops and shooting…

Open Ocean Research

by Submaris - 10th April 2018
The Big Blue! Finally! After three days of travelling via plane, a short delay of one day due to carnival,…
Ivana and Janez

The Prettiest of Worms

by Ivana and Janez - 4th April 2018
When we think of worms, these colourful, feathery, flower-like creatures are not the first things that come to mind. Their…
Florent M. Locatelli

Grotta Giusti – Journey to the Center of the Earth

by Florent M. Locatelli - 3rd April 2018
“Grotta Giusti can be found in the spa resort of Monsummano Terme, originally the 19th century country home of Tuscan…
Ivana and Janez

The Wobbegong Shark

by Ivana and Janez - 16th March 2018
When I first heard the name 'Carpet shark', I thought it was a joke. The name does not sound very…