The Centre for Hyperbaric Medicine and MaresLAB in Belgrade
by Predrag - 13th February 2018
The idea of founding the Centre for Hyperbaric Medicine came in 1994 from the company HOLYWELL NEOPREN. The idea was…

Photographer engulfed in manta ray mating dance in Yap, Micronesia
by b_rad - 12th February 2018
One of the greatest shows underwater is seeing Yap's resident manta ray population fully engaged in courtship - "dancing mantas".…

Mantas – the gentle giants of the seas
by Ivana and Janez - 7th February 2018
Manta rays – the diver's dream. Belonging to the family Mobulidae, there are two species of Manta Ray often seen…

Take part in the 11th Annual Manta Fest Photo Festival!
by b_rad - 2nd February 2018
Learn Pictorial Design in UW Photography Balance, harmony, pattern, unity, contrast, proportion, variety and movement in your image, is pictorial…

Blackwater Night Dive
by Ivana and Janez - 24th January 2018
To most divers, a night dive is their favourite kind of dive. Everything becomes pacified at night. The lamps we…

Three freediving world records broken during weekend at the Weissensee
by Herbert - 16th January 2018
Three freediving world records broken during weekend at the WeissenseeLatest endeavour is more difficult and exciting – and all performed…

World Heritage Sites: Climate change threatens the most beautiful places on earth
by Herbert - 16th November 2017
Number of World Heritage sites affected by climate change almost doubles in three years According to a report published by…

Let there be light!
by Ivana and Janez - 15th November 2017
A review of the new DCT Canister underwater light from Mares' XR range! "I’m delighted with my new Mares DCT…

Blue Dolphin of Malta International Underwater Competition
by Herbert - 14th November 2017
12th Edition of the prestigious competition held in Gozo The 12th Edition of the Blue Dolphin of Malta International Underwater…

Storm waves from the past hold lessons for future
by Herbert - 13th November 2017
Huge boulders on coast retain clues about prehistoric storms In the Bahamas, tons of boulders have been washed onto the…

A Sea of Opportunities at DEMA 2017
by Hannah - 8th November 2017
The Dive Equipment Manufacturing Association’s annual four-day, industry-only trade show just wrapped up in Orlando, Florida. With attendance of more…

Fuel from seaweed
by Herbert - 25th October 2017
Researchers developing breeding programmes for seaweed In the future, our homes and vehicles could be fuelled by seaweed cultivated in…

Cave and Wreck diving on the Island of Vis
by Damir - 11th October 2017
The Island of Vis is not only known for its astounding underwater life, but also for its numerous wrecks, of…

Successes in fight against dolphin threats in South Africa
by Herbert - 27th September 2017
First shark nets dismantled After the fourth incident earlier in 2017 involving an endangered humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea) in a…

The “Biggest” Little Photo Workshop in the Diving Industry
by b_rad - 6th September 2017
The biggest in prizes that is. This summer some photographers are going to win almost $10,000 in Mares gear along…

9th Rebreather Reunion Hemmoor Germany
by Herbert - 4th September 2017
Meeting took place on 25 to 27 August 2017 On August 25th to 27th, the ninth "Rebreather Reunion Hemmoor Germany"…

Underwater robot “TRAMPER” to surface after a year in the Arctic deep sea
by Herbert - 22nd August 2017
Helmholtz Alliance ROBEX tested innovative technologies on expedition On Tuesday, August 22nd, the research vessel Polarstern will set off on…

What do whales have to do with homeopathy?
by Herbert - 18th August 2017
EU prohibits whaling, but not trade in whale productsIf we think of sperm whales, we think of Moby Dick, and…

The Fourth Walensee Apnea Festival: 5th – 6th August 2017
by Rene Trost - 10th August 2017
Sincere thanks to all participants, to our sponsor's Mares, SSI, Davosa, ChrisBenz, Ivana Orlović, Samo Jeranko and Neza. The special…

3-D Underwater Imaging
by Herbert - 1st August 2017
New age imaging system brings 3-D perspective to underwater sites A revolutionary new multi-function, underwater imaging system has been developed…

Glacial retreat accelerated by meltwater lakes under Antarctic Ice Sheet
by Herbert - 4th July 2017
During the last glacial period, the ice in the Antarctic was thicker and extended farther offshore than it does today.…

Canyoning – An extreme sport which raises adrenaline levels
by Predrag - 27th June 2017
Canyoning is one of those adventures in which you have a full sense of enjoyment while dealing with nature and…

Distant fish relatives share looks
by Herbert - 21st June 2017
Distant fish relatives evolve to look like one another Scientists from James Cook University (JCU) have found evidence that distantly…

French Connection – A freediving course with the Mares France team
by Gianluca - 15th June 2017
A super freediving course with the Mares France team. A week spent learning more about freediving but also sharing our…

Rabbitfish as trojan horses
by Herbert - 2nd June 2017
Researchers identify fish’s role in movement of invasive species. For some time, invasive species have been spreading from Indo-Pacific to…

How are whales and dolphins doing in Europe?
by Mares - 24th May 2017
New population estimates released Ten EU Member States have carried out a survey of the distribution and abundance of whales…

Freediving – a tool for marine biology
by Fred Buyle - 5th May 2017
For my first Mares blog I have decided to write about one of the most exiting projects I’m involved in:…

Southern France: Best of Mediterranean diving
by Herbert - 1st May 2017
World-famous wrecks and a marine reserve When in the Mediterranean, be sure to visit Côte d'Azur in southern France, where…

Florida manatee population likely to withstand for 100 years
by Herbert - 20th April 2017
Manatee population to slowly grow and shift northward Florida's manatee population is likely to endure for the next century, provided…

The Scuba Diver Girls meet some curious seals!
by Scuba Diver Girls - 14th April 2017
“What is that?!” I gasped as I felt something tug my fin. I glanced over at Stephanie who was on…

Post-trip review 3 – BCDs and Torches
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 13th April 2017
Given the extreme nature of our dive expedition, our first choice of buoyancy device was the Donut Bladder Twin Tank…

YO-44 aka Kodiak Queen: Richard Branson to sink WWII ship that survived Pearl Harbor attack
by Herbert - 12th April 2017
Ship targetted to become artificial reef These days, weather permitting, a ship is scheduled to sink. Nothing special? In the…

The massive and solitary Sphyrna Mokarran
by Franco and Sabrina - 4th April 2017
A few weeks ago I was leading a micro-group of passionate divers and UW photographers to Bimini Island, a lovely sandy…

Japan kills 333 whales in annual hunt
by Herbert - 1st April 2017
Whales supposedly killed for "research" purposes After four months at sea, the Japanese whaling fleet has returned from its controversial…

Post-trip review 1 – Regulators
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 22nd March 2017
The Mares / SSI /rEvo Dive Expedition Team have had a few weeks to relax and now we’re back on the…

Ice freediving session in Tignes, France
by Morgan - 14th March 2017
On Thursday 8th March I was in Tignes for a special freediving session. Revolution Watch USA contacted me for a…

Wave-Glider: Keeping track of marine research in real time
by Mares - 3rd March 2017
Online portal for Wave Glider missions launchedWave Glider missions can now be viewed online – and they are live. Operated…

Hello MARES Community
by Morgan - 28th February 2017
Hello MARES community, My name is Morgan Bourc'his, and I am a professional freediver (competitor, instructor, lecturer and brand ambassador).…

Day 9 and 10 – Heavy to handle
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 23rd February 2017
The day started the same as usual, but just up to the point where we loaded up our 4x4’s, because the…

Day 8 – The last walk under the ice
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 21st February 2017
This morning we woke up with a smile in our faces since we knew it would be a fantastic day,…

Day 6 – Earthquake underwater?
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 19th February 2017
Do you remember? Yesterday’s dive spot was great. So nice that we decided to go to the north tip of Olkohn, Kohboy,…

Day 5 – Cracked ice and some troubles at Khoboy
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 18th February 2017
Today we headed north to the sharp tip of the Island of Olkhon. While the thermometer was showing a milder temperature…

The MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team is ready to set off…
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 12th February 2017
Time flies... We all met just 3 weeks ago during BOOT Show to coordinate the final details for our Lake…

Coral reefs enchant when one dives in fluorescence
by Mares - 10th February 2017
Adventures in fluo-diving in Abu Dabab No, it wasn't the Pink Panther, but a pink flathead that was the highlight…

When changes regenerate you
by Yme - 17th January 2017
It’s the first day of the year and I’m sitting in front of my computer summarizing 2016. There have been some incredible experiences and I…

Our first project – Extreme cold is the name of the game!
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 11th January 2017
What works best if you want to see how your products perform when being used? EXTREME CONDITIONS! Mares has spent…

Inspired by experience – A new team of experts is born!
by MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team - 10th January 2017
'Nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come' - This quote from Victor Hugo could have been the spark for founding the MARES SSI…

Diving in Ireland
by Herbert - 5th January 2017
The Wild West of EuropeIreland has one of the world's greatest soccer fans, who most recently fervently expressed their strong…