Von Killerwalen und Primaten – Teil1
by Peter - 18th February 2019
... oder wie man vom Warmdusche zum Eistauchern wird. Buckelwale in Tahiti, bei 28°C Wassertemperatur, das war bisher meine Welt.…

De snotolf (Cyclopterus lumpus)
by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 30th January 2019
De snotolf (Cyclopterus lumpus), ook wel lompvis genoemd is een van de favoriete koudwater vissen van de meeste duikers. Ze…

The Green Jungle of the Yucatan Cenotes – Mystical Underground Rivers
by Damir - 30th November 2018
There are places on the planet where gods still dwell and there are other places where they used to dwell.…

The exciting journey of sockeye salmon
by Gerald - 22nd November 2018
Together with a handful of like-minded people I make my way to British Columbia. Via Vancouver, we drive to Shuswap…

De Schildpadden van Playa Grandi
by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 19th November 2018
Playa Grandi (ook wel bekend als Playa Piskado) is een klein, maar erg populair strandje aan de westkust van Curaçao.…

Mares Interviews: Underwater Photographers Ivana Orlovic Kranjc and Janez Kranjc!
by Mares - 18th October 2018
Recently we caught up with photographers and Mares ambassadors Ivana Orlovic Kranjc and Janez Kranjc. They have been representing and…

Alessandro Raho – Tricolore di Fotosub 2018
by Mares - 15th October 2018
Alessandro Raho del CI CA SUB Seatram Bogliasco - Tricolore di Fotosub 2018 Storica vittoria del fotografo subacqueo del Team…

Corals are the perfect models
by Ivana and Janez - 4th October 2018
Looking at wonderful, colourful, tropical coral reefs, many people believe that the organisms responsible for these structures are plant based.…

Mares and MantaFest 2019
by b_rad - 1st October 2018
Mantas, Sharks & UW Photo/Video Workshops in Micronesia at MantaFest 2019 - Small contest, BIG PRIZES! MantaFest is an annual…

Mermaids? Are they real?
by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 27th September 2018
Are mermaids real? In the olden days, sailors believed in magical, magnificent creatures which they called 'mermaids'. Now we suspect…

Breathtaking Moments – The Great White Sharks of Guadalupe, August 2018
by Robert - 29th August 2018
MARES - WIRODIVE - NAUTILUS LIVEABOARDS See photos from the experience here. At DEMA 2017 I met up with Mike…

Blowfish, balloonfish, pufferfish, puffers, blowies, toadfish…so which one is it?
by Ivana and Janez - 15th August 2018
The name of a fish order - Tetraodontiformes - does not sound familiar to many, but when we look into…

Hermit crabs against plastic!
by Ivana and Janez - 31st July 2018
Hermit crabs are decapod crustaceans which, like other members of this order, have segmented bodies and very well developed eyes,…

The Wreck of the Brioni
by Ivana and Janez - 2nd July 2018
The wreck of the Brioni passenger and cargo ship is one of the most captivating wrecks in the Croatian part…

The 3rd Mares UWPM Cup
by Mares - 17th May 2018
From the 11th – 13th of May 2018, the south-western waters around the island of Krk became the venue of…

Diving at the Lighthouse, Portofino, Italy
by Underwater Tales by Stefano Sibona - 16th May 2018
"The lighthouse point in Portofino is one of the most suggestive sites of the promontory. A unique, spectacular environment and…

“Caution, sea urchins!”
by Ivana and Janez - 9th May 2018
"Caution, sea urchins!" Does this sound familiar? The name ‘sea urchin’ resounds on almost every dive boat. We are always…

by Ivana and Janez - 3rd May 2018
What’s the world’s most famous fish? Well, I think Clark’s anemonefish is. What’s that you say? Remember Nemo? Well, Nemo…

Open Ocean Research
by Submaris - 10th April 2018
The Big Blue! Finally! After three days of travelling via plane, a short delay of one day due to carnival,…

Icy Adventures
by Ivana and Janez - 9th March 2018
When you think of diving under the ice in Europe, what first comes to mind is Lake Weissensee, located in…

The Island of Santa Maria
by Franco and Sabrina - 27th February 2018
Islands in the current of an endless ocean (Part Two) Read Part 1 here Santa Maria In the Azores' archipelago,…

The Centre for Hyperbaric Medicine and MaresLAB in Belgrade
by Predrag - 13th February 2018
The idea of founding the Centre for Hyperbaric Medicine came in 1994 from the company HOLYWELL NEOPREN. The idea was…

Photographer engulfed in manta ray mating dance in Yap, Micronesia
by b_rad - 12th February 2018
One of the greatest shows underwater is seeing Yap's resident manta ray population fully engaged in courtship - "dancing mantas".…

Take part in the 11th Annual Manta Fest Photo Festival!
by b_rad - 2nd February 2018
Learn Pictorial Design in UW Photography Balance, harmony, pattern, unity, contrast, proportion, variety and movement in your image, is pictorial…

Blackwater Night Dive
by Ivana and Janez - 24th January 2018
To most divers, a night dive is their favourite kind of dive. Everything becomes pacified at night. The lamps we…

Freediving Patagonia
by Alejandro Andrés - 27th November 2017
Have you ever thought about what freediving in Patagonia is like? I'm a competitive Freediver and run Freediving Patagonia, my…

Blue Dolphin of Malta International Underwater Competition
by Herbert - 14th November 2017
12th Edition of the prestigious competition held in Gozo The 12th Edition of the Blue Dolphin of Malta International Underwater…

A Sea of Opportunities at DEMA 2017
by Hannah - 8th November 2017
The Dive Equipment Manufacturing Association’s annual four-day, industry-only trade show just wrapped up in Orlando, Florida. With attendance of more…

Cave and Wreck diving on the Island of Vis
by Damir - 11th October 2017
The Island of Vis is not only known for its astounding underwater life, but also for its numerous wrecks, of…

The “Biggest” Little Photo Workshop in the Diving Industry
by b_rad - 6th September 2017
The biggest in prizes that is. This summer some photographers are going to win almost $10,000 in Mares gear along…

Try Something Different – Scuba Diving and Stand Up Paddle Board
by Predrag - 28th August 2017
Before I traveled to the Cayman Islands I knew what to expect; I had been there so many times for…

Mares Ambassador in Documentary Film
by Emir - 24th August 2017
Mares Ambassador Emir Berkane appears in the first documentary film shot in Algeria! 'The Houses of the Sea' is from…

Macro World
by Mares - 9th August 2017
When we become divers we go through different stages in our diving adventure. We start off scared/excited (nervous-cited) of what…

Sea Turtle Recovery Center – Croatia
by Marjan Radovic - 7th August 2017
At the Verudela Lighthouse in Pula - Croatia, the release of sea turtles back into the wild was organized by…

Adriatic Cuttlefish
by Mares - 16th June 2017
Cuttlefish or cuttles are marine animals of the order Sepiida. They belong to the class Cephalopoda, which also includes squid,…

La Goergette-René, a wreck in a cave !
by Emir - 7th June 2017
In Algeria you can find unusual things, like this boat from the 19th century discovered in the lake of Bir…

Surviving Murphy’s Law to study sharks
by Hannah - 24th April 2017
Have you ever had one of those days when just about everything goes wrong? Mine started out breaking one of…

Mediterranean Great Sharks Project
by Emir - 23rd April 2017
The 'GranResearch Program', named 'GREBA', has been running since 2015 and aims to identify, label and study shark species in…

Janez Krajnc and Ivana Orlovic Kranjc join the Mares Ambassador team!
by Mares - 21st April 2017
Mares is really happy to announce two new brand ambassadors – husband and wife team Janez Krajnc and Ivana Orlovic Kranjc!…

Master of lighting in the pool: Konstantin Killer
by Mares - 16th January 2017
Meet him at boot 2017Konstantin started out specialising in landscape photography in the 1980s. At that time – during those…

Baikal Lake, the blue pearl of Siberia
by Franco and Sabrina - 4th January 2017
Last summer I went to the Baikal Lake in Russia and lead a group of passionate cold-water divers and amateur…

What happened on the 12th of September 1944 between the Italian and Balkan battlefronts?
by Franco and Sabrina - 2nd December 2016
A few weeks ago I reached a special expedition of professional divers and technicians with the aim of photographing and…

Moments of a lifetime caught on camera : Snorkelling side by side with the sperm whales of the eastern Caribbean Sea
by Franco and Sabrina - 29th November 2016
This post starts our contribution to the Mares blog, to which we are absolutely grateful, and our first post is about the…

Good News from CITES
by Franco and Sabrina - 5th October 2016
CITES voted yesterday (4th October) on proposals to list silky sharks, all three species of thresher sharks and all nine…

Unique Mares Photog Party, Micronesia
by b_rad - 8th July 2016
MantaFest is an annual international photography festival held in Yap at Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers that is known for being…

Win prizes at the GoPro Awards
by Mares - 27th October 2015
Here’s an opportunity for underwater filmmakers and photogaphers: The ongoing GoPro Awards are awarded to anyone who submits their photos…

Diving in Greenland
by Herbert - 11th September 2015
Welcome to an amazing Arctic adventure Seeing an iceberg up close is an intense experience, with its majesty and beauty…

Seeing Bali From A New Perspective
by Herbert - 6th August 2015
Bali Close Up: A Very Special Underwater Video Many see Bali as the Land of the Gods, dominated by ricefields,…