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Fred Buyle

Mauritius Freediving

by Fred Buyle - 10th May 2019
In April, Orca Diving Center organized a two-week freediving event in Mauritius, bringing together freedivers for exploration and technical workshops.…

The Islands Of Tahiti: A Whale’s Paradise

by Dan - 6th May 2019
When someone mentions Tahiti, incredible sunsets and sipping cocktails whilst relaxing on over water bungalows comes to mind. Located in…
Ivana and Janez

Stubborn submarine

by Ivana and Janez - 30th April 2019
Submarines are true jewels for every wreck diving enthusiast. That is, perhaps, because submarine wrecks are quite rare, but even…

Scuba diving courses on vacation!

by Semra - 23rd April 2019
Hello everybody and welcome to my new blog! In my last blog, I told you what is in my bag...…

La tecnologia AST di Mares

by Mares - 19th April 2019
La maggior parte degli erogatori Mares sono oggi forniti di serie con il nuovissimo ed esclusivo sistema AST (Auto Sealing…

Mares AST Dry System Technology

by Mares - 19th April 2019
Most Mares regulators are now equipped with the new and exclusive AST system (Auto Sealing Technology) as standard. This specialised,…
Ivana and Janez

Family Diving

by Ivana and Janez - 11th April 2019
When you start your marriage under the water, and also give birth underwater, it is rather logical that one day…

What’s in my bag?

by Semra - 8th April 2019
Hello everybody and welcome to my new blog! In my last blog, I talked about my choice of diving equipment,…

XIV° Trofeo di Apnea con Gianluca Genoni – 14 Aprile 2019

by Gianluca - 5th April 2019
Anche quest’anno Gianluca Genoni e SSI scendono in campo per organizzare un evento agonistico aperto a tutti gli appassionati della…
Ivana and Janez

The Story of Satil

by Ivana and Janez - 4th April 2019
It is often said that ships, just like people, have their destinies. The story of the sunken ship Satil (also…
Thomas Van Puymbroeck

Hitsige Padden

by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 1st April 2019
De gewone pad, beter bekend als de bruine pad komt het voor in heel Europa. Samen met de bruine kikker…
Ivana and Janez

Working Together

by Ivana and Janez - 28th March 2019
Being a brand ambassador brings with it a lot of beautiful things. You have the chance to be among the…

Azoren – im Reich der Wale

by Robert - 25th March 2019
Die einzigartige Lage der Azoren in einer Übergangszone zwischen den kalten, nährstoffreichen Strömungen aus dem Norden und dem warmen Golfstrom…

The Azores – In the realm of the whales

by Robert - 25th March 2019
The unique location of the Azores, in a transition zone between the cold, nutrient-rich currents from the north and the…

La tecnologia Twin Power, ADJ e PAD

by Mares - 21st March 2019
Al giorno d’oggi, anche grazie ai molti sub che si dedicano ad immersioni tecniche, c’è una richiesta sempre più pressante…
Ivana and Janez

Appearances can be very deceiving! The Mantis shrimp…

by Ivana and Janez - 18th March 2019
I have always thought that Mantis shrimp are one of the most beautiful creatures you can find and photograph in…

The forgotten shipwrecks of the Battle of Heligoland – 1914

by Submaris - 14th March 2019
On the 28th of August 1914, the first naval battle of the First World War was fought between ships from…

My choice of diving equipment

by Semra - 11th March 2019
Hello everybody and welcome to my new blog! In my last blog, I talked about my first dive encounter with…

Swimming with Crocodiles

by Boaz - 4th March 2019
I can still remember the first time I went in the water with a crocodile. Feelings were intense as I…

Orca Freediving Academy

by Nik - 1st March 2019
ORCA Freediving Academy - Das Mares Test Center DIE KOOPERATION DER ORCA-DIVECLUBS, MARES UND NIK LINDER Die ORCA Diveclubs sind…

La tecnologia VAD di Mares

by Mares - 27th February 2019
Gli erogatori Mares sono caratterizzati dalla tecnologia VAD, Vortex Assisted Design. Questo rivoluzionario sistema di erogazione, brevettato, si basa sull’”…

Mares’ VAD Technology

by Mares - 27th February 2019
Mares regulators are characterized by VAD technology - Vortex Assisted Design. This patented, revolutionary air supply system is based on…
Thomas Van Puymbroeck

Een toegewijde vader

by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 22nd February 2019
De gewone zeedonderpad is een van de meest geliefde wintervissen in zeeland. Hij heeft een groot breed hoofd met verschillende…

Diving with seahorses

by Semra - 20th February 2019
Hello everybody and welcome to my newest blog post! In my last blog I wrote about my first encounter with…
Pierre Eric

Cave diving – My way of life

by Pierre Eric - 12th February 2019
For my first blog, I want to talk about cave diving. In fact, I think for my next blog I'll…
Thomas Van Puymbroeck

De snotolf (Cyclopterus lumpus)

by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 30th January 2019
De snotolf (Cyclopterus lumpus), ook wel lompvis genoemd is een van de favoriete koudwater vissen van de meeste duikers. Ze…
Ivana and Janez

Picasso’s muse?

by Ivana and Janez - 25th January 2019
We learn something new every day. Recently I discovered that the beautiful triggerfish is also known as the Picassofish, the…

70 years of Mares!

by Mares - 21st January 2019
Mares is turning 70 this year! Who knows whether our founder Ludovico Mares could have ever dreamed that 70 years…

A new dive era is here…the Mares HORIZON!

by Mares - 21st January 2019
The decades of expertise behind Mares and rEvo rebreathers have combined to create a unique semi-closed unit like no other.…

New Guiness World Record for Marina Kazankova and Dmitrij Malasenko!

by Mares - 11th January 2019
The Guinness World Record Attempt for the Longest Underwater Dance whilst freediving was a success at the deepest pool in…
Thomas Van Puymbroeck

De dolfijnen van Sataya reef

by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 9th January 2019
Diep in de Rode Zee, ver weg van alle beschaving, doemt dit azuurblauwe rif op. Het lijkt wel op een…
Ivana and Janez

A closer look at Aqaba Bay – Interview with Abdullah Momany

by Ivana and Janez - 7th January 2019
Abdullah Momany is the owner and manager of the Red Sea Dive Center. He is also a marine biologist who…
Ivana and Janez

My experience diving with the Flexa wetsuit!

by Ivana and Janez - 1st January 2019
Diving has become my obsession and great passion! Five years ago, when I first touched the underwater world, I knew…

10 reasons to become a diver

by Semra - 24th December 2018
Hi everyone and welcome to my new blog post. In my last blog I wrote about my work in Soma…

History has been made with the Maldives National Defence Force

by Cat - 20th December 2018
During our lifetime, if we are lucky, we get the privilege of being part of certain events that will change…

Guinness World Record attempt from Marina Kazankova!

by Mares - 17th December 2018
Mares ambassador Marina Kazankova and Dmitrijs Malasenko will be attempting a world record at the Y-40 pool on the 29th…
Ivana and Janez

Trumpetfish – The forgotten cousins of seahorses

by Ivana and Janez - 6th December 2018
There are only three species of trumpetfish in the world (discovered so far anyway): the Chinese trumpetfish (Aulostomus chinensis), the…

About my work in Soma Bay

by Semra - 26th November 2018
Hi everyone and welcome to my new blog post. In my last blog, I told you about how I got…

The exciting journey of sockeye salmon

by Gerald - 22nd November 2018
Together with a handful of like-minded people I make my way to British Columbia. Via Vancouver, we drive to Shuswap…
Thomas Van Puymbroeck

De Schildpadden van Playa Grandi

by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 19th November 2018
Playa Grandi (ook wel bekend als Playa Piskado) is een klein, maar erg populair strandje aan de westkust van Curaçao.…

Bailando con Tiburones – Karlos Simón

by karlos - 17th November 2018
Después de interactuar con tiburones tigre durante mi record de permanencia de 12 horas sin salir del agua en Bahamas…
Ivana and Janez

Freshwater vs marine diving

by Ivana and Janez - 13th November 2018
For more information on Marine Ecology, check out our friends at SSI! Most of us dive in a marine environment…

Semra – How I started my dive adventure!

by Semra - 5th November 2018
Hi everybody, welcome to my second blogpost here on the Mares blog! In my first blog I wrote a bit…

Dive Expedition – Mt. Treskavica Lakes

by Mares - 26th October 2018
Located thirty kilometers south of Sarajevo, the Treskavica mountain range is no doubt one of the most beautiful in Bosnia…

Introducing Dive Pro Semra!

by Semra - 22nd October 2018
About me! Hi, my name is Semra. I’m 25 years old, German with Turkish roots and a Dive Professional who's…

Alessandro Raho – Tricolore di Fotosub 2018

by Mares - 15th October 2018
Alessandro Raho del CI CA SUB Seatram Bogliasco - Tricolore di Fotosub 2018 Storica vittoria del fotografo subacqueo del Team…
Ivana and Janez

Cruisers vs Boka Kotorska Bay

by Ivana and Janez - 10th October 2018
An interview with Dr. Vesna Macic, Marine Biologist Sailing on big cruisers is becoming very popular as a means of…
Ivana and Janez

Corals are the perfect models

by Ivana and Janez - 4th October 2018
Looking at wonderful, colourful, tropical coral reefs, many people believe that the organisms responsible for these structures are plant based.…