My Knight in Silver Armour
by Dan - 19th June 2020
Coming from a freediving background, my peers were always disapproving of my fascination with scuba diving. When I suggested they…

8th Mares Underwater Photo Marathon 2020
by Damir - 3rd June 2020
Another very competitive Mares Underwater Photo Marathon has come to an end. We are proud to say that the 8th…

A Windy Day in Paradise
by Dan - 22nd May 2020
Here's the worst case scenario. You've planned a brilliant dive holiday to the dive destination of your dreams. You have…

Dive into the Center of the Earth
by Ivana and Janez - 19th May 2020
I believe that Jules Verne would not be angry that I borrowed part of his title to begin the story…

6 things a diver can do during ‘corona time’
by Semra - 15th May 2020
Wash your equipment Due to the coronavirus situation, many of us have a lot more free time. Time which we could…

Night Time On The Reef
by Dan - 12th May 2020
Lagoon comes from the Italian word 'laguna' meaning pond or lake. Like the name suggests, a lagoon is generally a…

Sea Vu Dry + masks converted for CPAP ventilator use during Covid-19
by Mares - 2nd April 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic means we are currently living in challenging times, including the challenges faced daily by our medical services. With this in…

Freediving under the Ice
by Nik - 5th March 2020
I remember the first time I was under the ice of a lake. It was in 2008, in the Swiss…

Breath hold: Relaqua the idea of relaxation in the water
by Nik - 5th February 2020
There are people who dive hundreds of feet, deep and over ten minutes with just one breath. Nik Linder is…

School’s Out
by Imran - 3rd February 2020
“Safety in numbers is the hypothesis that, by being part of a large physical group or mass, an individual is…

by Imran - 23rd January 2020
Some of the most magical time spent photographing underwater is when you capture images which people least expect to look…

A sneak peak of Mares’ new Flexa Graphene…
by Ivana and Janez - 21st January 2020
The beginning of 2020 brought us the premiere of Mares’ latest products, and their new semi-dry suit probably provided one…

The Seal Skin – My New Dive Buddy
by Ivana and Janez - 10th January 2020
The theory: The Mares Seal Skin is a 6mm cold water wetsuit designed to keep you comfortable and warm in milder…

Spicy as always
by Imran - 8th January 2020
Banda Neira is one of ten volcanic islands in the Banda Archipelago, in the Maluku province, eastern Indonesia. On our…

Clowning around in Tahiti
by Dan - 13th December 2019
Tahiti is an incredible place famous for its sharks, whales and great diving. One of my goals for this trip…

Kalanggaman Island
by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 10th December 2019
Kalanggaman Island is a small island paradise located in Palampon, Leyte. It is famous for its crystal clear waters, lush…

How to find the perfect Christmas gift and also support the environment!
by Semra - 3rd December 2019
Hello everybody and welcome to my new blog! My last blog was about diving in Mexican cenotes - check it…

A Paradise in Paradise
by Gerald - 29th November 2019
When tropical storm "Winston" swept over Fiji on February 20, 2016, Taveuni and Paradise Taveuni Resort were particularly hardly hit.…

Destination New Zealand: Goat Island, Auckland
by Dan - 8th November 2019
New Zealand is a destination full of exciting diving; from the deep fiords of the south island to the subtropical…

Davide Lombroso ha vinto il 5° titolo italiano di fotosub!
by Mares - 16th October 2019
Continuano le esaltanti prestazioni dei fotografi subacquei del Team Mares. Davide Lombroso del CI CA SUB Seatram di Bogliasco –…

Davide Lombroso wins his 5th Italian Underwater Photography title!
by Mares - 16th October 2019
Incredible performances from the underwater photographers of Team Mares continue! Davide Lombroso of CI CA SUB Seatram in Bogliasco, Italy…

Tales from the History of Pula – Part 3
by Mares - 27th September 2019
See part 1 of the tale here, and part 2 here. At first, Ludovico worked as a roller skating instructor…

Een zeer harig fotomodel!
by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 7th September 2019
Jaren stond het al op mijn bucketlist. Een honden shoot in en vooral onderwater. Vandaag was het zover! Na een…

The EOS 10R – Power in a small package
by Ivana and Janez - 6th August 2019
The EOS 10R is the most compact, handy torch made by Mares and, thanks to all its features, it can…

Tales from the History of Pula – Part 1
by Mares - 19th July 2019

‘All Metal Technology’ – Tecnologia Tutto Metallo
by Mares - 11th July 2019
La Mares, da sempre, ha, nella sua linea di erogatori, dei modelli caratterizzati dalla “All Metal Technology”, ovvero “Tecnologia Tutto…

Mares All Metal Technology
by Mares - 10th July 2019
Mares has always had models characterized by ‘All Metal Technology’ in its regulator line. These regulators have metal second stages…

Valdés – Patagonien, Argentinien
by Robert - 3rd July 2019
>> VIDEO << Das UNESCO-Welterbe mit kargen Landschaften und blühendem Leben Die argentinische Halbinsel Valdés liegt direkt am Atlantik in…

My dive preparation routine!
by Semra - 27th June 2019
Hello everybody and welcome to my new blog! In my last blog, I talked about choosing the right dive suit.…

Tiger Beach – Bahamas
by Imran - 21st June 2019
On our last photo adventure, we headed out to Tiger Beach, the Bahamas. A dive mask is one of the…

De zeeleeuwen van false bay
by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 14th June 2019
False bay is een baai met een lengte van zo'n 48 kilometer in de buurt van kaapstad. Vele schepen die terugkeerden…

How to choose the right suit for your dive needs!
by Semra - 27th May 2019
Hello everybody and welcome to my new blog! In my last blog, I talked about why you should go on…

Using the Cruise Carpet
by Ivana and Janez - 23rd May 2019
The prime focus of most scuba diving equipment manufacturers is usually basic parts of equipment; to make the best neoprene…

Mauritius Freediving
by Fred Buyle - 10th May 2019
In April, Orca Diving Center organized a two-week freediving event in Mauritius, bringing together freedivers for exploration and technical workshops.…

La tecnologia AST di Mares
by Mares - 19th April 2019
La maggior parte degli erogatori Mares sono oggi forniti di serie con il nuovissimo ed esclusivo sistema AST (Auto Sealing…

Mares AST Dry System Technology
by Mares - 19th April 2019
Most Mares regulators are now equipped with the new and exclusive AST system (Auto Sealing Technology) as standard. This specialised,…

What’s in my bag?
by Semra - 8th April 2019
Hello everybody and welcome to my new blog! In my last blog, I talked about my choice of diving equipment,…

Hitsige Padden
by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 1st April 2019
De gewone pad, beter bekend als de bruine pad komt het voor in heel Europa. Samen met de bruine kikker…

Working Together
by Ivana and Janez - 28th March 2019
Being a brand ambassador brings with it a lot of beautiful things. You have the chance to be among the…

La tecnologia Twin Power, ADJ e PAD
by Mares - 21st March 2019
Al giorno d’oggi, anche grazie ai molti sub che si dedicano ad immersioni tecniche, c’è una richiesta sempre più pressante…

Mares Twin Power, ADJ and PAD Technology
by Mares - 21st March 2019
Nowadays, also thanks to the many divers who are dedicating themselves to technical diving, there is an increased demand for…

My choice of diving equipment
by Semra - 11th March 2019
Hello everybody and welcome to my new blog! In my last blog, I talked about my first dive encounter with…

The Sardine Run – The greatest show on Earth!
by Noam - 7th March 2019
Last year I fulfilled my biggest dream by witnessing one of the greatest natural events that our planet has to…

Swimming with Crocodiles
by Boaz - 4th March 2019
I can still remember the first time I went in the water with a crocodile. Feelings were intense as I…

La tecnologia VAD di Mares
by Mares - 27th February 2019
Gli erogatori Mares sono caratterizzati dalla tecnologia VAD, Vortex Assisted Design. Questo rivoluzionario sistema di erogazione, brevettato, si basa sull’”…

Mares’ VAD Technology
by Mares - 27th February 2019
Mares regulators are characterized by VAD technology - Vortex Assisted Design. This patented, revolutionary air supply system is based on…

Een toegewijde vader
by Thomas Van Puymbroeck - 22nd February 2019
De gewone zeedonderpad is een van de meest geliefde wintervissen in zeeland. Hij heeft een groot breed hoofd met verschillende…

Von Killerwalen und Primaten – Teil1
by Peter - 18th February 2019
... oder wie man vom Warmdusche zum Eistauchern wird. Buckelwale in Tahiti, bei 28°C Wassertemperatur, das war bisher meine Welt.…